Medeubaev Nurmukhambet Almagambetovich
Full name, year of birth: Medeubaev Nurmukhambet Almagambetovich, 28.03.1960
Phone, e-mail:
Position:Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Professor, Department of RA and OT, KartU
Education: 1974-1978. Karaganda Saransk pedagogical school named after Abay, specialty “Teacher of labor and drawing 4-8 classes of secondary school”, 1981-1986. Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty “Construction”, engineer teacher of construction disciplines, 2007. The scientific degree “Candidate of Technical Sciences”, 2010. Academic title of “Associate Professor” in the specialty “Safety of human activity”, 2010.
Work in the Department: KartU, 2016-present.
Work in other departments:KSTU, since 1990 Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Department of “Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics”, “Welding and Foundry”.
Main scientific directions: Safety and life activity, ecology, labor protection.
Scientific and methodical works for the last 5 years: 2000 KSTU Fire Alarm Project.
Patent of private property for the last 5 years:
Copyright object Scientific work “Engineering support of labor and life safety” №4413 Kakenova M.J. Nurgalieva A.D. Sattarova G.S. 2019 Copyright object Scientific work “Technical regulation of industrial safety” 6485 Kyokbaev E. K. Isakov B.E. Kaliyaskarova A.J. K. Isakov B.E. Kaliyaskarova A.J. 2019 Year of copyright Scientific work “Improvement of methods of struggle against methane emissions of liquidated coal mines by application of tamponade compositions” №11072 Medeubaev N.A. 2020. Object of copyright Scientific work “Improvement of methods of struggle against methane emissions of liquidated coal mines by application of tamponade compositions” №11072 Medeubaev N.A. 2020 MU RK – useful model “Air intake of car cabin ventilation” №5440 Makashev B.K., Zholmagambetov N.R. 2020 Copyright object Scientific work “Hygiene of labor and industrial sanitation” №25997 Medeubaev N.A. 2022 MU RK – useful model “Mixture for sealing cracks in rock massif” №7014 Makashev B.K. Zholmagambetov S. Suleimenov N. 2022 MU RK – utility model “Composition for cleaning the mine atmosphere from sulfur-containing gases” #7683 Kamarov R.K., Isabek T.K., Medeubaev N.A., Demin V.F., Ibrayev M.K., Imashev A.J. 2022 MJ RK Patent for invention “Device for cleaning air ducts of aspiration system” #36289 Makashev B.K., Medeubaev N.A., Zholmagambetov N.R., Zholmagambetov S.R., Nurgalieva A.D., Rakhimberlina A.A. 2023 Year 2023 Object of copyright Scientific work “Description of artificial lighting of industrial premises” №34541 Medeubaev N.A. 2023 Year Certificate for mass open online course MOOC “Fire Safety” №9174 Medeubaev N.A. 2022 year
Necessary articles for the last 5 years:
Subjective assessment of the state of working conditions, fatigue and health, Material In International scientific and practical conf. “Science and education in the modern world and the challenges of the XXI century” Section 04. Technical Sciences 1 volume Nur-Sultan, Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N. Kakenova M.J. 2019 Main characteristics of working conditions of construction and installation workers, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Saginov Readings #11), Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N. Kakenova M.J. 2019 Justification of the impact of some environmental problems on the sustainability of the country’s development, Proceedings of the University of KSTU,- Baituganova M. O., Komleva V. V., Akimbekova N. N., Medeubaev N. A.. Operational Injuries Analysis Technigue, article The Social Science 10 (6): 230 – 238, 2015 ISSN: 1818-5800 Medwell Journals, 04.02.2015 SCOPUS;
- Medeubaev N. A., Kakenova M. J. Irangayp S. R. Sarsembayeva A. N. Influence of the shape of the gravitational trough on the mode of motion of the overloaded mass, article, IZVESTIYA Kyrgyz state technical University. Razzakova “Theoretical and applied scientific and technical” journal, Bishkek, №3 (47), 2018;
- Medeubaev N.A. Akimbekova A. B. N., Almagambetov Almuhambetov B. S., Nurgaliyeva A. D. study of the process of displacement of rocks during the laying-out space, article. BULLETIN of East Kazakhstan state technical University. D. Serikpaeva No. 3, September, 2018;
- Medeubaev N. A. Almagambetov N. Mataev J. V. Textbook labor Protection of the University by the publishing Department approved, 05.10.2018
Membership in scientific and professional organizations: “Safe work and life”, “Association of welders of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
- diploma of Ministers of scientific education 2011.
- diploma of the Federation of trade unions of Karaganda 2012.,
- diploma of akim of Kazybek district of Karaganda 2013.,
- the Best teacher of the University 2017., as well as letters of thanks and awards of the Ministry of scientific education.
Disciplines and courses:
“Occupational safety”, “fire safety”,” technical regulations of safety production”,” engineering security and life of labor”,” management of safety and environmental protection”,” fundamentals and functioning of the occupational health and safety”,” environmental Protection and safety management”,”forecasting of consequences of emergency situations of natural and technogenic character”.
Other tasks: senior curator of the Department of Mine aerology and labor protection.
Advanced training:
- KSTU, 26 November 2014. International welding engineer Module4: Fabrication and applications engineering, the University;
- 25.12. 2015. seminar on engineering pedagogy;
- October 27, 2017, Has successfully completed the official springer nature training how to use how to publish, “Bastau Expert” LLP, Karaganda ;
- 14.12.2017. 2017. on knowledge of requirements of industrial safety to industrial works on dangerous production objects, Russia, Odessa, Odessa ;
- 03.02. 2018. Management of innovative projects;
- NB Astana 03.05.2018. System evaluation level of the Kazakh language-KazTest, Mining and mining Technology, they.Academician U. Asanaliev;
- From 09.04.2018 to 23.04.20108 at the Kyrgyz state technical University. I. Razzakova on the program “safety In the conduct of mining”, Belgium 06-20. 06.2018