Temirzhanova Sholpan Meiramovna


1.Full name: Temirzhanova Sholpan Meiramovna

2. Date of birth: 05.09.1987.

3. Place of residence: Karaganda,

4. Contact phone: 87781084695

5. Е – mail: dimash_m-sh@mail.ru

6. In 2005 he entered the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov to the Faculty of History with a degree in Humanitarian History (grant). In 2009 he graduated with honors (average mark 5.0).

7. In 2010 he entered the magistracy of the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov to the Faculty of History, specialty “6N0203-History” (grant). In 2012 he graduated with honors.

8. Personal qualities: responsibility, punctuality, sociability, efficiency, purposefulness