Meruyert Nugumanova

Meruyert Nugumanova

Master of Humanities


2007-2011 Faculty of Foreign Languages, “Two foreign languages”, Buketov University;

2013-2015 Faculty of Foreign Languages, “Foreign philology”, Buketov University.

Work experience:

2010/12 TEFL at a secondary school №27;

2012/13 TEFL at the Foreign Languages Collage;

2013/15 TEFL at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies at Buketov University;

2015/16 TEFL at the Central Kazakhstan Academy;

2016-2019 TEFL at the Department of Foreign Languages, STU;

2019-2022 TEFL at Nazarbayev Intellectual School Karaganda;

2022-present TEFL at the Department of Foreign Languages, STU.


Been a participant of overseas training programs.


Scientific and methodological aids:


1. Different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “The language picture of the world.” Linguistic and cultural diversity in the modern world: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. – Karaganda: Publishing house KarSU, 2013 – p. 386-389;

2. The definition of “concept” in the modern linguistic paradigm. Future research. Materials for the X international scientific-practical conference. – Sofia: Byal Grad-BG Ltd. Publishing House, 2014 – p. 9-13;

3. Concepts of “life” and “death” in the language picture of the world. Materials of the international competition of scientific works of students and undergraduates. – Karaganda: Publishing house KarSU, 2014 – p. 56-58;

4. Religious understanding of the concept of “Death”. Problems and prospects of continuous foreign language education: Republican scientific-practical conference. – Karaganda: Publishing house KarSU, 2014 – p. 136-138;

5. The concepts of “life” and “death” in the Kazakh language picture of the world. The III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education – the most important factor in the development of society in modern conditions” – Karaganda: CCP Publishing House, 2016 – C. 286-289;

6. Religious understanding of the concept of “death”. XIII International Scientific Conference “Actual Scientific Research in the Modern World” – Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky: iScience Publishing House, 2016 – C. 56-59;

7. The definition of «concept” in the modern linguistic paradigm. Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Theory and Practice of Modern Science” – Moscow: Litera Publishing House, 2017 – C. 46-48;

8. Textbook for “mechanical engineering” “Language Practice on Mechanical Engineering”. – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2016;

9. Computer program – electronic textbook “Language Practice on Mechanical Engineering”. – Astana: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017;

10. Қазақстандағы ақпараттық технологиялардың жаңа дәуір үрдісіндегі даму кезеңі. Theses of reports of the student’s scientific conference “The contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”; – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2018;

11. Multilingualism as one of the modern priorities in Kazakhstan. Science and education: a new time; rubric “Pedagogical sciences” – Cheboksary: ​​Publishing house NOU DPO, 2018;

12. Manual for “mechanical engineering” “Professional English in Mechanical Engineering”. – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2018;

13. Mythological picture of the world. The materials for the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Novinat for science science – 2018” – Sofia: Byal Grad-BG Ltd. Publishing House, 2018 – C. 69-72;

14. Қазақ тіліндегі өмір және өлім тұжырымдамаларының бейнесі. International scientific-practical conference “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation” (Saginov readings №10) – Karaganda: KSTU publishing house, 2018;

15. Content Language Learning for Teachers. The 15th KazTEA International Conference “Integrated Learning to Values ​​for Human Development”. K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, Aktobe;

16. Mind games as the educative process helping students overcome communication obstacles;

17. Ағылшын тілін оқыту барысындағы қажетті әдіс-тәсілдердің маңыздылығы;

18. Matters of cybersecurity through the lens of globalization;

19. Global issues through research-based learning in EFL teaching;

20. Computer program – electronic textbook «Global Issues in EFL Teaching»;

21. Global issues through research based learning in EFL teaching.