Igembekova Ainash Zhaksilikovna

Игембекова Айнаш

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering
Department of Foreign Languages
Academic degree: Master of Arts in Humanities
Position: Teacher of the Department: “Foreign languages”:

2001-2006 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, specialty 030119 “English philology: two foreign languages”. Awarded the qualification: Philologist. Teacher of English and French languages.
2012-2014 Master’s degree, Central Kazakhstan Academy cipher 6M020500 “Philology”, thesis defense with the assignment of the scientific degree of Master of Humanities.

Scientific and methodological works:
Published scientific and educational works, including electronic textbooks, scientific articles, including in the journals KKSON, Scopus, WebofScience, etc.
1. Kupeeva Zh. S., Tleuzhanova K. T., “Actual problems of scientific and technical translation”. Language and literature in the socio-cultural context of the collection of scientific articles (16.11.2011)/ Chuvash State Pedagogical University. I. Ya. Yakovlev Univ., Cheboksary, Russia: FGBOU VPO Publishing House, 2011, pp. 85-91.
2. Kupeeva Zh. S., Tleuzhanova K. T. “Problems of language and culture”. The Trinity of languages: problems and prospects. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (25-26. 11. 2011) / KarGos.Un-t, Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSU, 2011. – p. 45-48.
3. Ayazbaeva S. S. “Koptildiliktin kazirg bilim berude keibir maseleli”. Continuing education: trends and prospects. Collection of scientific works/ KarSU, – Karaganda: Publishing House of KarSU, 2011. – p. 228-232.
4. Zh. G. Shaikhyzada, Zh. S. Kupeeva, A. Zh. Igembekova, S. S. Ayazbayeva, “” GEOGRAPHY»
MAMANGUN STUDENTERNA ARALEN AYLIN TILI” Excellent R. – Karagandy: Army baspasy, 2013. – 170 b.
5. Tleuzhanov K. T. , Kupeeva J. S., Magauina G. M. “Prospects and problem s in the field of modern education in Kazakhstan” nauch. the journal of the Karoo, a series of “Pedagogy” №2(102)-2021г.

Scientific and pedagogical interests:
Teaching English as a foreign language, teacher education, methods of mastering a second language (SLA), computational linguodidactics (CALL), cognitive linguistics, subject-integrated language learning (CLIL), internacioanalysis of higher education, STEM and STEAM

Internal phone number of the department: 1152, 2034
Email address: ainashig@mail.ru