Zhakupova Sholpan Serkenovna

Жакупова Шолпан Серкеновна

Work activity
1) Engineer in Karaganda department of Russian scientific Institute on Safety of Labour in mining Industry (1985-1998);
2) Karaganda Secondary School №63, English teacher (1998-2001);
3) Karaganda State medical University:
English teacher and vice dean in Department of International cooperation,
Head of scientific sector and inspector of scientific department,
Assistant professor in department of foreign languages (2001-2015);
4) Assistant professor in department of foreign languages in Karaganda Technical University (2015-…)

1) Diploma of Candidate`s degree in Philological Sciences (2011).
2) Honor`s degree diploma of Specialist with higher professional education of Institute of language and translation, «Lingua» (1998-2001).
3) Diploma of mining Engineer of Karaganda polytechnical Institute (1978-1985).

List of scientific and research papers
1. EHvolyucionnye osobennosti processa vzaimodejstviya yazykov
ZHakupova SH.S. Monografiya, Karaganda 2012, -165 s.
2. Processy vzaimodejstviya yazykov v sovremennyj period
ZHakupova SH.S.
Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Sovremennye tendencii yazykovoj podgotovki konkurentosposobnyh specialistov v usloviyah ehkonomicheskoj integracii», Karaganda, 2012. -S.46-52
3. Arabskie i tyurkskie zaimstvovaniya v anglijskom yazyke
ZHakupova SH.S. Vestnik KarGU, Karaganda, 2012.- S. 87-92
4. Vzaimovliyanie yazykovyh sistem
ZHakupova SH.S. Vestnik KarGU, Karaganda, 2012.- S. 80-86
5. Problem of diabetes mellitus in Ekibastuz region
Zhakupova S.S., Kabdulina K. Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Youth and Science: New Views and Solutions”, Karaganda, 2013. -p.3
6. The condition of children health carrying inattentive or malevolent treatment in childhood
Zhakupova S.S., Kizatova S.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Abeuova B.A.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
7. Hemorrhagic brain disorders in children
Zhakupova S.S., Kizatova S.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Tugbekova B.T., Abuova B.A.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
8. Congenital infections in the structure of infants’ disease and mortality
Zhakupova S.S., Kizatova S.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Tugbekova B.T., Abuova B.A.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
9. Extracellular nucleic acids and metabolites of purine metabolism in patient’s blood with locally invasive breast carcinoma
Zhakupova S.S., Muravleva L.E., Kabildina L., Bakirova R., Omarova I., Ponamoreva O., Sirota V.B.
Journal Chest, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
10. The parameters of text perception in the aspect of psycholinguistic investigations
Zhakupova S.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I., Dyusembina A., Aikenova R.A.
Journal Cognitive Linguistics, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
11. The linguocultural theory of the Precedent Texts in the Kazakh Press
Zhakupova S.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I., Druzhinina M., Aikenova R.A.
Journal Cognitive Linguistics, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
12. Analyses of congenital infections influence on the infants morbidity and mortality
Zhakupova S.S., Kizatova S.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Tugbekova B.T., Abuova B.A.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
13. Vessel malformation as hemorrhagic brain disorders cause in children
Zhakupova S.S., Kizatova S.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Tugbekova B.T., Abuova B.A.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Thomson Reuters edition, 2014
14. Assimilyaciya francuzkih zaimstvovanij
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V. VESTNIK PGU, Pavlodar, 2014
15. Latinskie zaimstvovaniya v anglijskom yazyke
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V. VESTNIK PGU, Pavlodar, 2014
16. Izuchenie struktury koncepta «dusha» v anglijskoj yazykovoj kartine mira
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V., Burmistrova V.A. VESTNIK PGU, Pavlodar, 2014
17. YAzykovaya igra kak lingvopragmaticheskij fenomen v kommunikativnom prostranstve bytovogo diskursa
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V., Burmistrova V.A. VESTNIK PGU, Pavlodar, 2014
18. Ob”ektivaciya superkoncepta IDEOLOGIYA v publicisticheskom diskurse sovetskogo vremeni
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I. VESTNIK KGU, Kokchetav, 2014.-S.180-184
19. The concept of “Medicine” and its Semantic Reflaction in the linguistic picture of the English world
Zhakupova S.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I. Messenger KSU, Kokchetav, 2013.- p.102-106
20. To the problem of Romanic elements in the development of the English language
Zhakupova S.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I., Burmistrova V.A. Messenger KSU, Kokchetav, 2014
21. K voprosu o metodah issledovaniya psiholingvistiki
ZHakupova SH.S., Sizov D.V., Levina O.I., Burmistrova V.A. VESTNIK KGU, Kokchetav, 2014
22. EHkspandernaya dermatenziya-novyj metod lecheniya defektov kozhnyh pokrovov
ZHakupova SH.S., Kemaladdinova K.N., Artykbaj S.N., Harisova N.M.
Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya, CHekhiya, 2014
23. Definition of probabilistic characteristics of stress
Zhakupova S.S., Korniyenko I.D.
International scientific journal «Young scientist», 30-2016
24. Classification of magmatic rocks
Zhakupova S.S., Amangeldina G.A., Momynzhanov S.Y.
Bulletin of scientific conferences, 30( part 5)-2017
25. Parameters of textual perception in the aspect of psycholinguistic research
Zhakupova S.S., Toimbaeva B.M.
Scientific Conference “Science and Studio”, 24-1 (155), 2016