Baikenova Dana




Full name, date of birth.

Baikenova Dana Khasenovna 04/06/1973

Если преподаватель представлен на сайте своего университета, укажите это.

Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (as a percentage) spent on it).

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU (full-time)

Which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title.

In 1996, she graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor with a degree in Management Economics in Mechanical Engineering, an economic engineer

In 2012, she graduated from the Master’s degree program at Karaganda Bolashak University, with a degree in Economics 6M050600 — Master of Economic Sciences.

Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held.

From 2006-2020, she worked at the Karaganda State Technical University at the Department of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Marketing.

In 2008-2010, Deputy Dean for Educational Work of  FIEM.

2014-2016, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of  FIEM.

Since 2021, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management.

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held).


Main research interests.

Competitiveness of the industrial economy in the context of the Eurasec, marketing, urbanization, HR management.

The main publications for the last 5 years.

Байкенова Д.Х., Тогайбаева Л.И., Вечкинзова Е.А. Современные тенденции гендерного

равенства занятости и бедности в Казахстане// Экономика труда. – 2020. – Том 7. – № 12. – С. 1201-1216. –doi: 10.18334/et.7.12.111424.

1. Байкенова Д.Х., Кусаинова А.Ж. Особенности внедрения системы учета трудовых договоров посредством цифровизации в Республике Казахстан//Труды Международной научно-практической online конференции «Интеграция науки, образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации» (Сагиновские чтения №12) 18-19 июня 2020 г.

2. Байкенова Д.Х., Касылкасова Л.Т. Маркетинг в цифровой экономике Республики Казахстан//Международной научно-практической конференции «Молодежь, наука и техника: Пути совершенствования и интеграции» – Темиртау, 2023.-С.177-179.

3. Baikenova D.Kh., Magrupova Z.М., Abdraimova K.K.//.Regional development strategi in  Kazakhstan: state and prospects// Труды Университета, Караганда: КарТУ, 2022, №3(88), С. 274-280.

4. Байкенова Д.Х. Организация PR-мероприятий компаний в Республике Казахстан// Международной научно-практической конференции «Подготовка кадров экономистов с высшим образованием на основе экономических исследований: проблемы и инновационные решения» (г. Бухара), 2023.-С.609-611.

5. Baikenova D.Kh, Magrupova Z.М.// Improving the quality of life through managed urbanization// Матеріали Міжнародного форуму «Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку національного господарства в умовах глобальної нестабільності», 04-05 грудня 2023 р.– Кременчук, 2023, C. 94-96.

6. Baikenova D. Dipner S.//Optimizing decision-making in the marketing Arena: the multi-Armed bandits approach// Матеріали Міжнародного форуму «Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку національного господарства в умовах глобальної нестабільності», 04-05 грудня 2023 р.– Кременчук, 2023, C. 69-70.

Membership in scientific and professional societies.

There are no

Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), the number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

• Discipline “Fundamentals of management and marketing”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.


Other duties performed during the school year, the number of hours per week. Check if they are paid additionally.

Responsible for the employment of graduates in the department.


Professional development.

1 From 06/08/2020 to 06/20/2020, she completed a refresher course on the topic “Effective use of DOT based on the use of Moodle tools”, No. KZ OS 000667.

2 From 11/22/2020 to 12/18/2020, according to the comprehensive program, she completed an industrial internship at Karaganda-Nan LLP in the amount of 72 hours on the topic.

3 From 03/24/2022 to 04/22/2022, she completed a 72-hour production internship at Global Express LLP on the topic “Marketing research in the field of market segmentation”

4 From 06/20/2022 to 06/24/2022, she was trained in the framework of the seminar “Features of publishing articles in publications indexed in international databases and improving the quality of applications for grant and program-targeted financing of scientific projects” in the amount of 18 hours.

5 From 11/22/2021 to 11/26/2021, she completed a 40-hour refresher course on the topic “Improving pedagogical skills”.

6 From 10/28/2021 to 10/30/2021, she completed intensive training under the University of Iowa “Entrepreneurial Education Workshop” program in the amount of 40 hours.

7 From 11/23/2022 to 12/29/2022 She completed an online refresher course on the topic: “Methods of teaching at a university using digital technologies at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty.

8 From 03.01.2024 to 14.01.2024, she completed a 72-hour production internship at Global Express LLP on the topic “Marketing research in the field of market segmentation”

9 From 10.01.2024 On 01/31/2024, as part of virtual mobility, she took advanced training courses at the Mikhailo Ostrogradsky Kremenchug National University in an online format for 72 hours, No. 01543 dated 01/31/2024.