Dokuchaeva Natalуa

Докучаева Н.В.

Faculty: Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department: Russian language and culture

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: senior lector


1986-1991 – Karaganda State University, specialty “Russian language and literature”

2000-2002 – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Faculty of Languages, specialization “Translation”. E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Languages, specialty “Translation”;

2017-2019 – Bolashak Academy, Karaganda State Technical University, academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences.


Russian language

Total number of published works: over 30

Selected publications

1. Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности как детерминанта успешности реализации личностно-ориентированного обучения. Гранипознания, 2020. – №3 (68).

2. Project method as an effective method of teaching and educating students of technical universities// ВестникКарГУим. Е.А. Букетова // Филологическая серия, Караганда: КарГУ, 2021, №2 (98).

3. IT саласы терминдерінің уәждемелілігі медицинада терминология контекстінде // Вестник ToU. Филологическаясерия. – 2022. – № 3.

4. Development of the potential of research activities of students in a technical University// ВестникКарУим. Е.А. Букетова. Серия «Педагогика», 2022. – № 1(105).

5. ҮздіксізбілімберуконтекстіндеЖОО-дажаппайашықонлайн-курстарынинтеграциялау. ВестникКарУим. Е.А. Букетова. Серия «Педагогика», 2023. – 4 (112).

6. Psychological aspects of the teacher’s activities within the framework of personal-oriented training in a technical university // ВестникКарУ. СерияПедагогика. – Караганда, 2023. – №4 (112).

7. Development of the potential of research activities of students in a technical University// ВестникКарУим. Е.А. Букетова. Серия «Педагогика», 2022. – № 1(105).

8. ТехникалықЖООстуденттерініңзерттеуіс-әрекетіндегіғылымиәлеуетінжәнеинновациялықойлауындамыту // ВестникНАНРК. – 2023. 4(404).

9. Value-Based Perspectives on the Teacher’s Role in Modern Education. Educational and Social Research, 2024, 14(4). (Scopus, Q-3).

10. Relevant Directions and Prospects for Using Artificial Intelligence in Language Learning. Трудыуниверситета. – Караганда, 2024.


Motivational processes and nominative аrea of the terminological subsystem. – Karaganda: KTU Publ. House, 2022.- 109 p. 

Сopyright certificates (IPC)

- Sign language as part of business communication, № 12047, 17.09.2020 г.

- Methodical aspects of teaching Russian as a foreign language, № 18277, 02.06.2021 г.

- Perspective-taking as a type of compression of scientific texts in teaching RF, № 32595, 13.02.2023 г.

- Use of Artificial Intelligence in teaching Russian as a foreign language in virtual reality, № 42116, 17.01.2024 г.

- Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality in Language Learning, № 49787, 19.09.2024 г.

Student research work

Scientific supervision of students participating in Olympiads, contests, forums, scientific conferences of international, republican, regional levels.

Published educational and methodological literature

  1. Учебное пособие по русскому языку «Синтаксис русского языка. УровеньС1», 2021г.
  2. Учебноепособие «Russian language for future engineer. «Русский язык» для студентов уровня А2», 2022 г.
  3. Учебный справочник «Тау-кен факультетінің магистранттары мен студенттеріне арналған мамандық тілі бойынша лексикалық минимум. Лексический минимум по языку специальности для магистрантов и студентов горного факультета. Lexical minimum in the language of the specialty for undergraduates and students of the mining department», 2023 г.
  4. Учебное пособие «Орыс тілінің синтаксисі бойынша практикум. Күрделісөйлем», 2023 г.
  5. Учебник «Русский язык (профессиональный)» по образовательным программам 7М07203- «Горное дело» (производственные и обрабатывающие отрасли); 7М11201- «Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды» под грифом РУМС, 2024 г.

Mass open online course

1. Communication-oriented RF training in terms of the activity approach, №8688, 2021

2. Professionally oriented Russian language for “Mechanical Engineering”, № 9091, 2022

3. Professionally oriented Russian for “Construction”, № 9177, 2022

4. Russian language (professional) according to the magistracy “Construction”, № 9631, 2024

Professional development

Certificate of professional development No. 49 Psychological and pedagogical technologies of organization of innovative activity of a teacher (Russian language, literature), 72 hours, Russia, Tomsk, 2022.

Certificate of Professional Development Using the tools of digitalization in a person-centered environment, Karaganda, CCSSPIR, 2022г.

Certificate of Professional Development No. 008547 Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in a Technical University, 72 hours, Russia, Ivanovo, 2023 г.

Certificate of professional development №006 Innovative educational technologies in the educational process of higher education institution, 72 hours, Karaganda, 2023 г.

Certificate Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activity of a university teacher, Karaganda, «Saginov Technical University», 2023 г.

Certificate “Generative Al in Education” (Massive open online course on the basis of international platform Coursera, Scotland, University of Glasgow), 2024 г. 

Research interests: modern approaches in teaching Russian language in the conditions of digitalization.

Internal phone: 2046
