Suimbayeva Aigerim Maratovna



  • Fullname,dateofbirth:SuimbayevaAigerimMaratovna,30.10.1986.
  • Phone, e-mail:87083643698,
  • Position: Acting Associate Professor of the Department of “Mine Aerology and Labor Protection” (part-time, 0.5 rate). Main activity – Senior Researcher of the Institute KazMIRD “Saginov Technical University”.
  • Whatuniversity,specialtyandwhengraduated.Academicdegree,title:

2008-2010, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, specialty “Ecology”, Master of Natural Sciences.

2017-2020. Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Mining Engineering”, academic degree – PhD (by the decision of Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of education and science, order #361 from 26.04.2021).

  • Work inthe unit, including dates ofemployment and positions held: from 2017 to the present time Senior Lecturer, Acting Assistant Professor of the «MA and LP» Department.
  • Workinotherdepartmentsandorganizations:from2012to2017assistant,lecturer, senior lecturer of the Department of «IE and H».
  • Main scientific interests: geomechanics, ecology of mining production, industrial safety of mining enterprises
  • Mainpublications inthelast5years:

1)      ImashevA.,SuimbayevaA.,AbdibaitovSh.,MusinA.,AsanS.Justificationoftheoptimal shape ofthe cross-sectionofmine workings inaccordance withthe rating classification // Scientific-technical and industrial-economic journal “Ugol”, 2020. – №6. – Р.4-9. (Scopus DB);

2)      Imashev A., Sudarikov A., Musin A., Suimbayeva A., Asan S. Improving the quality of blasting indicators bystudying the naturalstress field and the impact ofthe blast force on the rock mass // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2021. – №4. – Р. 30-35. (DB Scopus);

3)      Imashev A., Suimbayeva A., Zhunusbekova G., Zeitinova Sh., Kuttybaev A., Musin A. Research into stress-strain stateof the mass under open pit with a change in the open-pit bottom width // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2022. – №3. – Р. 61-66. (DB Scopus);

4)      Suimbayeva A., Salkynov A., Rymkulova A., Zeitinova Sh. Research into deformation processesintherockmasssurroundingthestoping facewhenminingslopingoredeposits

//Mining ofMineralDeposits,2023.-№17(2).-Р.82-90.(ScopusDB);

5)      ImashevA.,SuimbayevaA.,BakhtybayevN.,BatyrshayevaZh.Expert analysis of rating systems characterizing the stability of the rock range //Proceedingsofthe University, 2019. – №1(74). – Р.68-72. (CQAFES);

6)      Imashev A., Suimbayeva A., Musin A., Asan S. Assessment ofthe impact ofthe internal dump on the stress-strain state of the sub-carrier massif // Scientific-technical and production”MiningJournalofKazakhstan”. -Almaty:LLP”Scientific-Production Enterprise “Interrin”, 2020. – №7. – Р.21-26. (CQAFES);

7)      Suleimenov N.M., Shapalov Sh.K., Nurgalieva A.D., Kakenova M.J., Suimbayeva A.M. Determination of the stages of occurrence and development of endogenous fires in coal mines // Proceedings of the University, 2020. – №4(81). – Р.64-67. (CQAFES);


8)      MeyrbekovA.T.,BakhovJ.K.,ZholmagambetovN.R.,SuimbayevaA.M.,Auelbekova

A.J. The importance of green spaces in ensuring environmental safety of cities // Proceedings of the University, 2021. – №2(83). – Р.90-95. (CQAFES);

9)      Zhunusbekova G., Imashev A., Suimbayeva A., Kazakov A. Analyzing strength criteria for assessing mine working stability // Proceedings of the University, 2022. – №3(88). – Р.159-165. (CQAFES);

10)  Imashev A.J., Musin A.A., Suimbayeva A.M., Mataev A.K. Methods of reducing the excess section ratio when conducting horizontal excavations by explosive method // Scientific-technicalandproduction”MiningJournalofKazakhstan”.-Almaty:LLP “Scientific-Production Enterprise “Interrin”, 2022. – №10 (210). – P.38-43 (CQAFES);

11)  Zeytinova Sh.,ImashevA., Suimbayeva A., AlzhanovR., MakhmudovD. Assessment of the stability of the underworked sides and ledges of the quarry to determine the area of possible locationoftheshaft //ComplexUseofMineralResources, 2023. -325(2),P.72- 79 (Web of Science database);

12)  Suimbayeva A.M., Semser R.M., Asainov S.T., Mataev A.K. Features of ventilation systems of ore mines of Kazakhstan // Scientific-technical and industrial “Mining Journal of Kazakhstan”. – Almaty: LLP “Scientific and Production Enterprise “Interrin”, 2022. – №12 (212). – P.58-62 (CQAFES);

13)  Imashev A., Suimbayeva A., MakhmudovD.,Auelbekova A. Review analysisofmodern methods for determining ore dilution // Proceedings ofthe University, 2023. – №3(92). – Р.166-171. (CQAFES);

14)  Demin V.F., Isakov B.E., Suimbayeva A.M., Bilisbekkyzy E. Justification of parameters for maintaining mine workings in the conditions ofcoal mines // Scientific-technical and production”MiningJournalofKazakhstan”. -Almaty:LLP”Scientific-Production Enterprise “Interrin”, 2023. – №8 (220). – P.58-62 (CQAFES);

15)  Suimbayeva A., Imashev A., Batyrshayeva J., Musin A., Asan S. Determination of the geological strength index for the conditions of the Akzhal deposit // Proceedings of the International University Scientific Forum “Science. Educatition. Practice”, Toronto: Infinity Publishing, 2020, P. 207-213;

16)  ImashevA.,SuimbayevaA.Geomechanicalassessmentoftheimpactoftheinternaldump onthestateoftheundergroundminingofthe Akzhaldeposit //Collectionofreportsofthe X International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovative geotechnologies in the development of ore and non-metallic deposits”, Ekaterinburg, 2021, P. 188-193;

17)  Imashev A.J., Suimbayeva A.M., Abdibaitov S.A. Ratingtik zhiktemege sәykes tau-ken kazbalary kimasynynңңңtayly formasyn tanidau // Proceedings of the International ScientificandPracticalConference”Integrationofscience,educationandproduction -the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the nation” (Saginov readings № 13), Karaganda: Kartu, 2021. – Р .3. – Р.1089-1091;

18)  Suimbayeva A.M., ImashevA.J., MusinA.A., Auelbekova A.J. Increase inthe efficiency of drilling and blasting operations taking into account the stress-strain state of the rock mass when sinking underground mine workings // Certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects №20795 from “11″ October 2021;

19)  SuimbayevaA.M.,ImashevA.J.Studyofinelasticdeformationzones(fracturezones)near mine workings in the conditions of the field “Akzhal” // Certificate of inclusion of information inthe stateregister ofrights toobjects protected bycopyright № 26160 from “17″ May 2022;

20)  Suimbayeva A.M. Imashev A.J., Musin A.A. Improving the qualityofblasting indicators bystudyingthenatural stressfieldandtheimpactoftheblastforceon therockmass//



№35437from”4″ May2023.

21)  Patent forutilitymodel№8526 from13.10.2023Musin A., ImashevA., Suimbayeva A., Mataev A. “Method ofreducing oredilutionduring thedevelopment ofthin and low thickness ore bodies”.

22)  Patentforutilitymodel№8527from13.10.2023ImashevA.,MusinA.,Suimbayeva A., Mataev A. “Method of contour blasting during sinking of horizontal mine workings”.

23)  Patent for utility model № 8583 from 27.10.2023 Matayev A., Musin A., Imashev A., Zhunusbekova G., Suimbayeva A., Abeuov E. “Method of fixing mining workings”.







  • Membershipinscientificandprofessionalsocieties- none.
  • Awardsandhonors-StateScientificScholarshipforTalentedYoungScientists


  • Subjectsandcoursesreadinthecurrentacademicyear(bysemester),numberof


hoursoflecturesper week,seminar andlaboratoryclasses:

1)      Industrialsafetyof miningproduction,15hoursof lectures;

2)      Ecologyandlife safety,30hourslecture.

  • Otherdutiesperformedduringtheacademic year,numberofhoursperweek.Note whether theyare paid additionally: responsible fortheacademic mobilityof students andfaculty, controlovertheimplementationoftheIntegratedProgram,secretaryatthemeetingsofthe «MA and LS» department.
  • ProfessionalDevelopment.

-        internship at the Institute of Mining Engineering and Mining Technologies named after Academician U. Asanvliev of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. 06-28 May 2019 (order № 349 from 24.04.2019).

-        program of the international summer school on the course: “Design of mining documentation and equipment with the use of CAD” from “10″ June 2019 to “26″ June 2019.

-        course”Ecologicaldesignandstandardization.Fundamentalsofenvironmentallaboratory research”, (Ecoexpert LLP, June 2020);

-        course “Best practices of Google application in distance education technologies. Possibilities of streaming in classroom training using YouTube service” (KSTU, June 2020);

-        internship at the Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies named after academician U.Asanvliev of the Kyrgyz State Technical University on the program “Problems of geotechnology and safety of mining operations of ore deposits” (14-26 June 2021).

-        program “Modern Management Technologies in Education and Entrepreneurship (NAO “Karaganda Technical University”, December 2022).

-        course “Environmental Law and Documentation. Environmental monitoring and production control” (Ecoexpert LLP, June 2022);

-        advanced training course “Special issues of ensuring labor protection requirements and safety of production activities” (SIC Geomark LLP from May 29 to June 10, 2023) Certificate K No. 818.