Issina Nazerke Temirkabylkyzy

Issina NazerkeMaster of Pedagogical Sciences
2013-2017 г. Bachelor’s degree. Faculty of Philology, Eurasian National University. named after L.N. Gumilyov. Diploma with honors, specialty: “Foreign language: Two foreign languages”.
2017-2019 Master’s degree, Department of Foreign Languages. Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketov, specialty “Two foreign languages”.

Work Experience:
2019-2021- an English teacher in an educational school, English translator.
2021-present – assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages at KarTU.

Scientific and Methodological Works:

1. Professional competencies of EFL and ESP teacher – Areas of scientific thought – 2017. Materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference. Vol.7. – Sheffield, 2017. – Р. 6-11.

2. Kasibi maqsattarga arnalgan agylshyn tilin okytu erekshelikteri – Boketov okulary – 2018: master’s degree student conference (29-30 march). – Karaganda, 2018. – p. 280-284.

3. The acquisition of subject content knowledge by teachers of nglish for professional purposes in higher education institutions VI International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology at the present stage” – scientific edition. “Absolut” – Volgograd, 2021 – P.117-125.

4. Project-based Learning in Teaching Communication Skills in ESL// Abylkas Saginov Karaganda technical University// 2022 – 97P.

5. Tildik emes zhogary oқu oryndarynda kasibi bagytalgan shetel tili okytushylarynyң biliktiligin arttyru// “Izvestiya” Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan// Series “Pedagogical Sciences”// No.1, 2023. Pp.118-131