Full name: Kaliyaskarova Aizhan Zhasulanovna
Date of birth: born in 1978.
Phone, e-mail: kaliyaskarova.aizhan@mail.ru
Position: Associate Professor of the RAiOT Department, 1.25 rate.
Education: Karaganda State Technical University, Applied Ecology, 1999. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Work in the subdivision: since 2005, Karaganda State Technical University, MA and LP, associate professor.
Work in other divisions: MA and LP Department: assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of MA and LP Department (2018 till now).
Main scientific interests: labour protection and safety engineering, environmental protection.
Main publications for last 5 years:
Suleimenov N. M. 1* , Shapalov Sh. K. 2 , Khodzhayev R. R. 3 , Shaikhova G. S. 4 , Kaliyaskarova A. Zh. 5 , 6Kakenova M. Zh. “Computerised Analytical System for Assessing Fire and Environmental Safety of Mines in the Karaganda Coal Basin” journal “International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology”, 2020, – India, No. 6.
Kaliyaskarova A.J., Tlensheeva A.Z “Ҿндірістегі еңбек мотивацияның проблемалары” Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of Science, Education and Production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation” (Saginov Readings #14) 16-17 June 2022 Part 1.
Kaliyaskarova A.J., Tlensheeva A.Z . “Мотивация арқылы жұмыс орнында қауіпсіз еңбек жағдайын құру ” Proceedings of the Republican Student Scientific Conference “The contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″ Part 3.
A.J. Kaliyaskarova, M.J. Kakenova, G.S. Tleulesova “Кәсіпорындағы өндірістік тәуекелдерді бағалау” in (Proceedings of the University of NAO Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov #3) 2022g
A.J. Kaliyaskarova, A.Z. Tlensheeva, A.J. Akhmetova “Мотивацияның қолданылған әдістеріне талдау және олардың өндірістегі тәжірибесі ” (Proceedings of the University of NAO Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov No. 1) 2023г.
Kaliyaskaro A.J., Balabas L.H., Akhmetova A.J., Sattarova G.S. Conditions of effective dust deposition based on the study of dust flow dynamics. Proceedings of the University, Karaganda: KarGTU, 2019, No. 3, P. 70-73.
Akimbekova N.N., Nurgalieva A.D., Kaliyaskarova A.A., Sattarova G.S., Akhmetova A.Zh.
Determination of gas movement in a barrier well. Proceedings of the University, Karaganda: KarGTU, 2020, No. 3, P. 62-65.
Awards and prizes: -
Subjects and courses:
Methods and means of control (lectures – 2, hour per week).
Labour Protection Management System (lectures – 1, hour per week).
Ecology and Life Safety (lectures – 2, hour per week).
Other duties: responsible for the Master’s programme, supervisor.
Professional development:
Certificate of advanced training “Application of modern information technologies in education”. 04.05.2023 – 18.05.2023.
Certificate of advanced training “Innovative educational technologies in the training of specialists in the field of labour safety”. 04.04.2022 – 21.04.2022.
Certificate of advanced training “Special issues of ensuring labour protection requirements and safety of production activities”. 29.05.2023 – 10.06.2023.
Internship in SIC “GeoMark” 20.05.2019-01.06.2019.
Certificate of advanced training “Cyberculture, cyber hygiene and work with big data”. 18.10.2021 – 28.10.2021.
Certificate of Professional Development “Improvement of pedagogical skills”. 2211.2021 to 26.11.2021.