Faculty: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Department: Russian Language and Speech Culture
Position: Senior lecturer
1986-1991 – Karaganda State University, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian language and Literature in the National school”
2003-2005 – Kazakh-Russian Modern Humanitarian University, specialty “Kazakh language and Literature in the Russian school”
Courses Taught
Russian Language
Total Number of Published Works:over 20
Selected Publications
1. Semantic features of architectural eponymic terms // Revista entrelinguas. Т7, №4, e021069, Unesp-faculdade ciencias, Brazil, 2021. (Web of Science).
2. Cognitive-semantic approach to text analysis in the Russian language picture of the world // Eurasian Union of Scientists. Internationalscientificresearchjournal. – M., 2021.- T. No.4.
3. Обучение русскому словообразованию методом сравнительной характеристики специальной лексики русского и казахского языков // BulletinToU. Philology series, 2021. – No.3.
4. Определение мотивированности и производности родственных слов // BulletinToU. Philology series,2022. – №4.
CertificatesofAuthorship (IntellectualProperty)
- The use of technologies for the development of critical thinking of students in the study of the topic «Problems of the modern family» (No. 24927 from April 08, 2022)
- Oral business communication (No. 33246 from February 28, 2023)
- The role of scientific discourse in a technical universityNo. 43545 dated March 6, 2024)
Student Research Work (SRW)
Carrying out scientific supervision of students taking part in olympiads, competitions, forums, scientific conferences at the international, republican, regional levels.
Published Teaching and Methodological Literature
1. Русскийязык (профессиональный) for master’s students of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies. Study guide. Karaganda: Publishing house KarTU, 2023.
2. Орыстілініңсинтаксисібойыншапрактикум. A study guides. – Karaganda: KarTU, 2023.
Russian for all educational programs. Level B1. (Part 2) Certificate of Mass open online course No. 9557 dated 02/01/2024
Professional Development
Certificate «Использованиеинструментовцифровизациивусловияхличностно-ориентированнойсреды», 72 hours, Karaganda, CCSPIR 2021
Certificate of advanced training No.008552 “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a technical university”, 72 hours, Russia, Ivanovo, 2023
CertificateSeriesNo. 009 «Инновационные образовательные технологии в учебном процессе высшего учебного заведения», 72 hours, Karaganda, 03/28/2023
CertificateSeriesNo. 0234 «Инновационные образовательные технологии в учебном процессе высшего учебного заведения», 72 hours, Karaganda, 03/14/2024
Certificate “Learning to Teach Online” (A massive open online course based on the international Coursera platform, Scotland, University of Glasgow), 2024
Research Interests: modern approaches to teaching the Russian language, methods of teaching Russian as a non-native language, the use of digital technologies in education.
Internal Phone: 2046
E-mail: s.tazhibaeva@kstu.kz