Nurpeisova Saule Kuzembaevna


Faculty: Faculty of Architecture and Construction

Department: Russian Language and Culture

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Title: Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Culture


- 1973г. – Karaganda State University, specialty “Russian language and literature

- 2006г. – Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Candidate of Philological Sciences in specialties: “Kazakh language, Turkic languages

- 2009г. – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Assistant Professor on “Linguistics” specialty

Teaching of discipline

Russian language

Total number of published works: мore than 70 

Featured publications

1. Application of innovative teaching technologies in the cognitive activity of students // Bulletin of KazNPU, Series “Philological Sciences” Vol.1 (75), 2021.

  1. Терминологиядаменшіктілікқатынастыбілдіретінматасабайланысқансөзтіркестерініңқолданылуы// Bulletin of Kazakh National University named after Abay, Series “Philological Sciences” T. 3 (81), 2022.

3. Nurpeisova S.K.Меншіктілік қатынас және оларды білдіретін формалар // International SCIENCE journal “Actual scientific research in the modern world”- issue 1 (93) Part 2. January 2023. – PP. 124 -129.

4. Nurpeisova S.K. Тәуелдік мағынаны -нікі, -дікі, -тікі қосымшаларының кейбір сипаты // International SCIENCE journal “Actual scientific research in the modern world”- issue 1 (93) Part 2. January 2023 – PP. 129-134.

  1. About the stages in the history of the formation of ways of expressing belonging in the Russian and Kazakh languages. Pavlodar: Bulletin of Toraigyrov University. Philological series No. 1. 2023 – P. 263 -274.


Monograph / “Comparative analysis of the category of possessive in the Russian and Kazakh languages”. – Karaganda, 2023, 84p

Author certificates

Modern science in the educational process of the university. The certificate of intellectual property №15952 dated 16.03.2021.

Quotation in scientific and technical literature. Intellectual property certificate № 44786 dated April 17, 2024


Provide scientific guidance to students taking part in olympiads, competitions, and scientific conferences at the international, republican, and regional levels.

Certificate of advanced training

Certificate of advanced training № 001722 – Improving teaching skills,72 hours, Karaganda, 2021.

Certificate of advanced training № 001477 – Cyberculture, cyber hygiene and working with big data, 72 hours, Karaganda, 2021.

Certificate of advanced training courses for pedagogical qualifications, Using digitalization tools in a student-oriented environment, 72 hours, Karaganda, 2022.

Certificate № 291, Master of English at level A1, 120 hours, Department of Language Development of the Karaganda Region (Language Training Center), Karaganda, 2023

Certificate of advanced training № 009551, Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at a technical university, 72 hours, Russia, Ivanovo, 2024.

Awards and promotions

Many years of work in education, allocation of a free trip to the Koktem sanatorium in Almaty, 2022.

70th anniversary of the university, inclusion of honorary veterans of the university in the photo (banner).

Sphere of scientific interests

Methods of teaching russian as a second language, the use of digital technologies in education, multilingualism, comparative grammar of Kazakh, Russian, English languages.

Phone: 2046