Nasyrova Aliya Bazarbaevna

Фото Насырова А.Б.

Faculty: Architecture and Construction

Department: Russian Language and Culture

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: Associate Professor



1976-1981 – Karaganda State University, Faculty of Philology, specialty «Russian language and literature», philologist. teacher;

1997 – Almaty State University named after Abai, defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

2009-2011 – KU «Bolashak» specialty «Kazakh language and literature»


Scientific and methodological work:

More than 60 scientific and educational works, including 8 manuals, scientific articles with impact factor, etc.

  • Психолингвистика. Уч. пос. Караганда: Санат: 2005. – 45с.
  • Делопроизводство на государственном языке. Уч. пос. Костанай: КСТУ им. акад. З.Алдамжар, 2008. 12,8 п.л.
  • Делопроизводство в организациях образования. Уч. пос. Караганда, 2009. 6,75 п.л.
  • Қазақ тілі («фармация» мамандығы студенттеріне). Уч. пос. Қарағанды, 2012. 5,3 п.л.
  • Қазақ тілі. Электрон. уч.пос. Қарағанды, 2014
  • Кәсіби қазақ тілі («фармация» мамандығы студенттеріне арналған). Уч. пос. Қарағанды, 2014. 6 п.л.
  • «Қазақ тілі» для студентов специальности «Фармация» (программа для ЭВМ). 01.06.2015г. Свидетельство ИС 001756
  • Connection of Tolerance and Bilingualism. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol.6, No. 2, April 2015. Rome, Italy 2015. P. 115-121 (Scopus)
  • Функционирование казахских лексических единиц в русской речи жителей Казахстана. Przeglad Wschodnioeropejski. 2018, ІХ/2.-с.201-209 (Scopus)
  • Русский язык для студентов, обучающихся по образовательной программе «Биотехнология». Караганда: Изд-во КарТУ, 2022. 115 с.


Russian is a digital content developer with a degree in «Russian language», «Professionally-oriented Russian language» (a course of video studies). Provides scientific guidance to students participating in scientific conferences at international, national, and regional levels.

In order to meet the level of professional training, he systematically takes advanced training courses in online and offline mode.


Scientific interests:


Vocational-oriented teaching of the Russian language

Modern approaches to teaching the Russian language


Internal phone number: 2046
