Sarkenov Berik Beisenovich


Faculty: MechanicEngineering

Academic degree: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy


He was born in the Karaganda region, 12.12.1960. Citizen of Kazakhstan.

Sarkenov B. graduated from Karaganda State University with a degree in Physics, with the qualification of Physicist Teacher in 1983

In 2002, he received his second higher education at KSU with a degree in “Finance and Credit” with the qualification of an economist.

He began work at KSTU in 2009 as a senior lecturer at the Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Faculty of Engineering. From 2010 to 2015 He worked as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering, acting Head of the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy.

The total work experience is more than 40 years, the continuous experience of scientific and pedagogical activity in KSTU is 12 years.

B. Sarkenov during the period of work at the department new educational programs, teaching materials and syllabuses in Russian and Kazakh languages, guidelines for laboratory work, work programs and test assignments for readable disciplines have been developed.

During his work, he proved himself to be a skilled organizer, able to independently set and solve scientific, pedagogical and administrative tasks.

In 2015, under the guidance and with the active participation of Sarkenov, the educational programs of the NTM department, the first of 38 university departments, were accredited by the German accreditation agency ASIIN (Germany),

For the first time, in the 60-year history of the department, with the active participation and organization of B. Sarkenov The dissertation council on the specialties: “Metallurgy” and “Material Science” has begun to work and still exists.

Sarkenov B. is an erudite and qualified specialist, constantly uses an innovative approach to conducting classes. He is a member of the State Autonomous Commission for the acceptance of entrance examinations for master’s degree, doctoral studies, for the defense of master’s theses, dissertations; He is the head of the production and teaching practice of students and undergraduates. Under his scientific supervision, more than twenty master’s theses are defended. He was the head of the production practice of bachelors of specialties of the Faculty of Engineering, who first traveled to the Republic of Belarus at the Minsk Tractor Plant (2013).

Over the past five years, he has published more than 65 scientific papers, including 1 article in a foreign journal that has a non-zero impact factor from the list of ThomsonReuters publishing house, Scopus – 1, in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals equivalent to ESMC MES RK – 2; in scientific journals, in journals included in citation databases of KazCB and RSCI – 2; in foreign international conferences – 12 reports; in international conferences, symposia in Kazakhstan – 38 reports. 1 innovative patent and 4 IP were developed and executed. 1 textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 textbook recommended by the Republican Teaching and Methodological Council, 7 textbooks, 3 monographs, 10 electronic textbooks were published.

Sarkenov B.B. is competent and responsible specialist. The testing center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was involved in the work of the KTA and UNT MON of the Republic of Kazakhstan commissions; in 2014, he was the head of the commission on VOUD at the Korkytat Kzylorda University. He is an expert on test tasks at the VOUD Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; for his successful work, he was awarded the Algys Hut Certificate by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As an expert, IAAR participated in the international commission on accreditation of educational programs of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev (2016).

Sarkenov B.B. maintains close ties with mining and metallurgical enterprises: ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, Kazmarganets LLP, Santekhprom LLP and other production enterprises of the region. He takes an active part in the implementation of research work, in 2015-2017. He was the responsible executor of the scientific topic “Technology of processing depleted manganese ore (on the example of the Zhairemsk deposit) to produce complex silicon-manganese alloys of the MnSi 17 and MnSi 22 grades for rail steel”.

Sarkenov B.B. is constantly improving their skills, in 2015 successfully completed advanced training courses for senior employees of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan at Nazarbayev University, as well as an internship at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), which ranks 18-19 in the QS rating, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, representative of Tescan LLC TESKAN St. St. Petersburg, Belarusian National Technical University, at SibGIU Novokuznetsk, Russia. 05.06-22.05.19.

He takes an active part in the preparation of research work by students, carried out the preparation and leadership of a team of students of the NTM KSTU department, who took part in 2016-2019. in the republican metallurgy olympiad. He participated in the expert commission of the Republican Scientific and Practical Seminar – Workshop in Astana, participated as an expert in the All-Russian final of the International Championship in Technological Strategy “Metal Cup. 4th Industrial Revolution”, May 2019, was also a member of the expert commission and the head of the KSTU team in the finals of the International Championship in Technological Strategy“ Metal Cup. 4th Industrial Revolution ”(Russia, 2019).

In 2010-2014, Sarkenov B.B. was deputy chairman of the KSTU commission for the development of the state language, a member of the regional agitation commission for explaining the policies of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chairman of the polling station No. 7, located on the KSTU territory, during the organization and holding of early elections of the President Republic of Kazakhstan.

Sarkenov B.B. was the winner of the competition for the title “Best University Teacher” in 2018