Kakenova Meruert Zhambulovna


Full name, date of birth: Kakenova Meruert Zhambulovna, born in 1980.

Phone, e-mail:  meruetkakenova@mail.ru

Position: Senior Lecturer, M.Sc. of the Department of Mine Aerology and Labor Protection.

Education: Karaganda State Technical University, “Ergonomics and labor protection”.

Work in the subdivision: since 2010

Work in other subdivisions: from 2004-2005 construction company “Diana L”, safety engineer, from 2007-2010 Karaganda Zoological Park, safety engineer.

Main scientific interests: labor protection and safety engineering, environmental protection.

Main publications for 5 years:

Medeubaev N.A., Kakenova M.Zh., Sarsembaeva A.N., Irangaip S.R. Influence of the form of the gravity chute on the mode of motion of the overloaded mass. – Izvestiya / – Theoretical and applied scientific and technical journal (Bishkek). – 2018. – №3(47). – P.152-189s.

Akimbekova N.N., Kakenova M.Zh., Saparova G.M., Baituganova M.O.. Influence of aerodynamic parameters of mine workings on the state of ventilation and safety of coal mines of Kazakhstan, “Bulletin of East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbayev”, No.2, 2018

Medeubaev N.A., Baituganova M.O., Komleva E.V., Kakenova M.J., Zholmagambetov N.R., Sattarova G.S. Analysis of existing methods of dedusting of gravity transfer units, Journal “European Journal of Technology and Design”, 2016 C.20-29

Komleva E.V., Medeubaev N.A., Kakenova M.J., Akhmetova A.J., Akimbekova N.N., Naguman P.N., Risk analysis and measures to reduce injuries at the mine “Zholymbet” JSC “MMC Kazakhaltyn “Journal “European Researcher”, 2015, Vol. (91). С. 94-103

Kakenova M.J., “Alash Ұlttyқ intellegence zhane stalindik kugyn-surgin”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the movement “Alash”, December 28, 2017, Kakenova M.J., “Bukhar Zhyrauga 350 zhyl”, April 27, 2018

Nurgalieva A.D., Kakenova M.J., Rakhimberlina A.A., Gabaidulin R.I., Fire hazard of Orlovskoye field, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science, Education and Production – the basis for the realization of the Plan of the Nation” Saginov Reading No. 7, Karaganda 2015.

Akimbekova N.N., Idrisheva J.K., Akhmetova A.J., Kakenova M.J., Sattarova G.S. Elimination of accidents at the facilities of main oil pipelines / Journal “Bulletin of VKGTU named after D.Serikbayev”, 2019, No. 3, P. 72-75.

Kakenova M.J., Levitsky J.G. Managing the influence of natural traction at extreme negative temperatures / Journal “Vestnik VKGTU named after D. Serikbayev”, 2019, No. 1, P. 131-135.

Kakenova M.J., Suleimenov N.M. Shapalov S.K. Жерастыжағдайларындакенішатмосферасыныңқұрамынталдаужәнесынамаларалутәсілдеріменмақсаттары/ Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the realization of the Plan of the nation” (Saginov readings № 11), Karaganda: Karaganda State Technical University, 2019. – С. 186-188.

Kakenova M.Zh., Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., Ашықтәсілменпайдалықазбаларкенорындарынигерукезіндеқауіпсізеңбекжағдайларынқамтамасызету/ Abstracts of the Republican Student Scientific Conference “Contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of K. Satpayev and the Year of Youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda: Karaganda State Technical University, 2019, P. 593-594.

Kakenova M.J., Isakov B.E., Akhmetova A.J., Features of justification parameters of dumps of factories for coal enrichment / Journal “Trends in the development of science and education” (April 2020), – Russia, № 60, P. 23-27.

Suleimenov N.M., Shapalov Sh.K., Hodjaev R.R., Shaikhova G.S., Kaliyaskarova A.J., Naukenova A.S., Nurgalieva A.D., Akimbekova N.N., Kakenova M.J., Sattarova G.S., Computerized Analytical System for Assessing Fire and Environmental Safety of Mines in the Karaganda Coal Basin / Journal “International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology”, 2020, – India, № 6, P. 1133-1136.

Kakenova M.J., Makhabbatova A.T., Қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтарды экологиялық-экономикалық кәдеге жарату тиімділігі, Republican student scientific online-conference “Contribution of youth science in realization of Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″, April 8-9, 2021, Karaganda, P. 683-685.

Kakenova M.J., Baimukhan A.K., Қоқыстыкәдегежаратуменқайтаөңдеудіңэкономикалықтиімділігі, Republican student scientific online-conference “Contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″, April 8-9, 2021, Karaganda, P. 655-657.

Kakenova M.J., Medeubaev N.A., Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., Құрылыс-монтаждауөндірісіжұмысшыларыныңеңбекжағдайыныңнегізгісипаттамалары, Proceedings of the International scientific – - practical conference “Integration of youth science in the realization of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″. Pract. conf. “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the realization of the Plan of the nation” (Saginov readings № 11), Karaganda, Karaganda State Technical University, 2019. – Ч. 3. – С. 306-308.

Kakenova M.J., Medeubaev N.A., Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., Еңбек жағдайларының жай-күйін, шаршау мен денсаулық жағдайын субъективті бағалау, Proceedings of the V International scientific and practical. Pract. conf. “SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CALLS OF THE XXI century”, Nur-Sultan, 2019, P. 54-56.

Kakenova M.Zh., Medeubaev N.A., Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., 2-ші разрядты болат және темір бетон құрылымдарын монтаждау бойынша монтажшының еңбек үдерісінің ауырлығы бойынша еңбек жағдайларын бағалау, VІІІ International Scientific and Practical Journal “Global Science And Innovations 2020: Central Asia”, Nur-Sultan, 2020, №3(3). III T. С. 29-32.

Hodjaev R.R., Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., Пайдалы қазбаларды жер астында игерудің қауіпсіз параметрлерін зерттеу, VІІІ International Kakenova M.J., Scientific and Practical Journal “Global Science And Innovations 2020: Central Asia”, Nur-Sultan, 2020, No. 3(3). I T. С. 209-211.

Irangaip S.R., Sarsembaeva A.N., Жезқазғанкенорнындағыпайдалықазбалардыжерастындаигерудіңқауіпсізпараметрлерінзерттеу, Journal “Trudy Universitet”, Karaganda: KarGTU, 2020, No. 1, P. 67-70.

Tleulesova G.S., Kaliyaskarova A.J., Kakenova M.J., Risk assessment at the enterprise Journal “Proceedings of the University”, Karaganda: KSTU, 2022, No. 3, P. 84-89.

Kakenova M. J., Irangayip S. R, Medeubaev N.A., Құрылыстыңкешендіқауіпсіздігітүсінігінталдау Journal “Proceedings of the University”, Karaganda: Kartu, 2022, No. 3, P. 72-76.

Kakenova M.J., Nurgalieva A.D., Sattarova G.S., Medeubaev N.A., “Еңбекқауіпсіздігіментіршілік əрекеттіңинженерлікқамтамасызетуі”, Certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects, №4413 of July 3, 2019.

Akimbekova N.N., Kakenova M.J., The Influence of Aerodynamic Parameters of Ventilation Workings and Pipelines on Improving the Safety of Industrial Enterprisesʼ Work, Certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects, № 6253 of November 5, 2019.

Membership in scientific and professional societies: Certificate of Merit of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana 2023.

Subjects and courses: Emergency rescue (lectures – 1 hour per week, practical classes – 2 hours per week).

Examination of industrial safety of production facilities (lectures – 1 hour per week, practical classes – 2 hours per week).

Attestation of production facilities on labor conditions (lectures – 1 hour per week, practical classes – 2 hours per week).

Ecology and life safety (lectures – 2 hours per week, practical classes – 1 hour per week).

Other duties: responsible for the Quality Assurance Committee of the Department of Mine Aerology and Labor Protection

Professional Development:

Training seminar on engineering pedagogy 6-29.05.2015. “Increasing religious literacy” October 2015.

Internship in SIC “KarNII BHP” 01-26.06.2015. Certificate of training seminar “Innovative technologies in educational activities of KSTU” 20-22.01.2016

Internship LLP training “Timerlan-2011″ 11.06-23.06.2018

Internship in SIC “GeoMark” 20.05.2019-01.06.2019

Certificate “Best practices of Google application in distance education technologies. 08.06.2020 to 20.06.2020.

Certificate of scientific internship in the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after Academician U.Asanaliev on the topic: “Ecological and economic effect of biogas utilization at solid domestic waste landfills”. 09.11.2020-23.11.2020

Internship LLP SIC “GeoMark” 29.05.-10.06.2022. Special issues of ensuring labor protection requirements and safety of production activities

Internship at SIC GeoMark LLP 29.05.-10.06.2023. Special issues of ensuring labor protection requirements and safety of production activities

Professional development courses 04.05-18.05.2023. Application of modern information technologies in education, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata

Kakenova Meruert Zhambulovna from 28 November to 25 December 2023 successfully passed (a) training on the advanced training course “Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activity of a teacher of higher education institution.