Kosbarmakov Samat Zhaksibayevich



Full name, date of birth: Kosbarmakov Samat Zhaksibayevich, May 13, 1979.

Work experience: the general experience is 18 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience is 18 years.

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department “Industrial transport”.

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda State Technical University, “Organization of transportation and management of transport” in 2002.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: master in the specialty Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport, 2018, KSTU.

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

2003-2004 – Assistant of the Department “Industrial transport”

2004-2007 – graduate student of the department “Industrial transport”

2007-2008 – Lecturer of the Department “Industrial transport”

2008-2016 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Industrial transport”

2016-2018 – graduate student of the department “Industrial transport”

2018 to the present – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Industrial transport”.

Main research interests:

Conveyor transport, industrial transport, machinery and technologies.

Main publications:

Published 31 scientific papers, of which 10 abstracts of the report, 6 articles – KKSON, 3 innovative patents, 5 SIS; released 7 tutorials.

Items read in the academic year: Alarm, centralization, blocking and communication,Automation, telemechanics and communications,Special types of industrial transport,General transport course,Construction and operation of the track,Operation of access roads, General plan and transport of the enterprise.

Advanced training:

03.03.2021-20.03.2021 – online refresher courses in the amount of 72 hours under the program “Transport Logistics” Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.

17.01.22-05.02.22 – online refresher courses in the amount of 72 hours in the direction of “Modeling of transport processes” of SibADI.

03.03.-29.03.2022 – advanced training courses in the amount of 36 hours in the direction of “Industrial railway transport” of the Department of KPTU JSC “AMT” KaragandaContact details: working phone. 56-59-32 (ext. 2051)

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