Rakhimova Galia Muhamedieva


Academic degree: candidate of technical Sciences

Contact details:

Address: Karaganda, Boulevard Mira, 56, first building, office 217

Office phone: 8 (7212) 56-59-32 (ex 1031), 87014889480

E-mail: galinrah@mail.ru reception

Hours: Wednesday from 15: 00 to 17: 00





2015 to present


from 2011 to 2015


from 2007 to 2011


from 2005 to 2007


from 2004 to 2005

Company name: Karaganda state technical University.

Position: head of the Department «Building materials and technologies»


Company name: Karaganda state technical University.

Position: associate Professor of «Technology of building materials and products».


Company name: Karaganda state technical University.

Position: senior lecturer of the Department «Technology of building materials and products».

Company name: Karaganda state technical University.

Position: lecturer of the Department «Technology of building materials and products».


Company name: Karaganda state technical University.

Position: assistant of the Department «Technology of building materials and products».





1987 to 1992


from 2004 to 2006


Name of educational institution: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute

Specialty: «Production of building materials, products and structures».

Qualification: civil engineer-technologist.

At LLP «Niistromproject» in Almaty, graduated from postgraduate school. Specialty: Building materials and products.



Candidate of technical Sciences, specialty 05.23.05-Building materials and products


Additional information

Languages: Russian, Kazakh, English with a dictionary.

Professional skills: Building materials, Processes and machinery

Knowledge of Word, Excel programs


Advanced training:


from 2016 to 2018

- «Accreditation: external audit methodology expertise – international and national

Approaches» (expert certificate IQAA); Kazakhstan

- «Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity»; Kazakhstan

- scientific training «Research University», Germany

Personal qualities: Discipline, responsibility, sociability.





- International scientific journal «Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias»Baijanov D.O., Khan, M. A. and Imanov, E.K., Yevloyeva M. I.,«Production of ClinkerlessBinder from technological waste», (2018) 90 (2 Suppl. 1). Brazil;

- Journal «Proceedings of the University» 4 (69), 2017 Karaganda,, «Influence of mtgs modifier25 on the properties of heat-resistant concrete», with Tleubergenova S.K., Toimbaeva B.M.;

- Journal «Proceedings of the University» 1 (70), Karaganda, 2018, «Development of composition and method preparation of complex additive of multifunctional action», Baijanov D.O.,Rakhimov M.A., Rakhimov A.M.;

- International journal of applied and fundamental research. M.:Russian Academy of natural Sciences, 2018. – № 6, «The strength of concrete during hardening indifferent climatic conditions», Rakhimov M. A., Toimbaeva B.M.,Zhautikov S.A.,Imanov, E.K.;

- International scientific and practical journal «The Era of science». Electronicperiodical. March 2018. – №13, «Study of the effects of fillers ondeformation properties of thermoset resins», Aidarbekov S.Zh.;

- II international conference «Cognitive robotics». IOP conference series: materials Scienceand technology. 363 (2018) 012032. Doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X/363/1/012032Advancedcomposite alloys for construction