Tazhibaeva Saule Mukhazhanovna


Faculty: Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department: Russian Language and Speech Culture

Position: Senior lecturer


  • 1986-1991 – Karaganda State University, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian language and Literature in the National school”
  • 2003-2005 – Kazakh-Russian Modern Humanitarian University, specialty “Kazakh language and Literature in the Russian school”


Scientific and methodological works:

More than 20 scientific and educational works, including scientific articles with an impact factor.

  1. Semantic features of architectural eponymic terms//Revista entrelinguas. Т7, №4, e021069, Unesp-faculdade ciencias , Brazil, 2021. (Web of Science)
  2. Обучение русскому словообразованию методом сравнительной характеристики специальной лексики русского и казахского языков//BulletinToU. Philology series, 2021. – No. 3.
  3. Фразеологические единицы как источник культурно-национальной информации//EurasianUnionofScientists. International Scientific Research Journal. M., 2021.- Vol. No. 4.
  4. Cognitive-semantic approach to text analysis in the russian language picture of the world//Eurasian Union of Scientists. International Scientific Research Journal. M., 2021.- Vol. No. 4.
  5. Определение мотивированности и производности родственных слов// BulletinToU. Philology series,2022. – №4.
  6. Мәдениетаралық коммуникация жағдайындағы әлеуметтік мәртебенің этномәдениеттік көріністері// International science journal Actual scientific research in the modern world. Pereiaslav, 2022.
  7. The use of technologies for the development of critical thinking of students in the study of the topic “Problems of the modern family”. Certificate of State registration of intellectual property object No. 24927 from April 08, 2022.
  8. Oral business communication. Certificate of State registration of intellectual property object No. 33246 from February 28, 2023.



Information about professional development:

2020 – “Strategy of modern university language education” (Karaganda, CFPSPID).

2021 – “Cyberculture, cyberhygiene and working with big data (Karaganda, KSTU).

2022 – Using digitalization tools in a personality-oriented environment (Karaganda, CFPSPID).

2023. – “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a technical university” (Russia, Ivanovo, ISPU).

2023 – “Innovative educational technologies in the educational process of a higher educational institution” (Karaganda, IPT “Bilim”).


Scientific interests:

Modern approaches to teaching the Russian language

Professionally-oriented teaching of the Russian language

Computer linguodidactics, distance learning, ICT in education

Multilingual education

Internal phone: 2046

E-mail: tazhibaevas66@mail.ru