Yessenbekova Tleu

Есенбекова Тлеу Исагалиевна



  •  Yesenbekova Tleu Isagalievna,
  • Education: Dzhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1983-1989, specialty: teacher of physics and mathematics); KarSTU, Faculty of Current Education, specialty “Economics and Management” (1999-2000, economist); CHU “Karaganda Bolashak University” (2012, Master of Economics)
  • Work experience: 1989-2004 – physics teacher of secondary school No.36 of the Zharyk station of the Karaganda region, 2005- 2012 –Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Marketing of KarSTU; 2012- 2018. assistant of the Department; From 2019 to 2022 – senior lecturer at the Department of IPiM KarSTU; 2022 to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of EiMP NAO KarTU.
  • Main research interests: in the field of economics, marketing and entrepreneurship. 
  • Achievements: over the past 5 years, there have been publications: more than 15 publications of reports of international scientific and practical conferences; 5 articles in journals from the COXON List; 3 textbooks.
  •  Advanced training: advanced training of university teachers “Development of professional competencies of the teacher of the course “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship” (in volume 80 hours) August 2019 NGO “Atameken”; advanced training at the enterprise “Karaganda-Nan” LLP (Karaganda) in the production department on the job. From 11/22/2021 to 11/26/2021;. she completed a refresher course on the topic “Improving pedagogical skills” in the amount of 40 hours., completed an internship at the Global Express LLP enterprise in the direction of “Marketing research in the field of market segmentation”, 72 hours from March 24 to April 22, 2022, Karaganda (certificate); advanced training at the Kaynama LLP enterprise-Komir” (Karaganda) in the production department on the job. From 02.05.2023 to 06/16/2023no.; On January 10, 2023, she took part in a training seminar on organizing the work of an information and explanatory group to improve religious literacy (certificate is available); completed an internship at Global Express LLP in the field of Marketing in industries, 72 hours from 03 to 14 January 2022, Karaganda (certificate is available); completed an internship at the enterprise of Global Express LLP in the direction of “Marketing in industries”, in the period from January 3 to January 14, 2024, Karaganda (certificate).
  • Language skills: Kazakh is native, Russian is good, English is with a dictionary.