Tanekeуeva Gauhar Joshina



Full name, date of birth.

Tanekeуeva Gauhar Joshina. 09.23.1977

Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (as a percentage) spent on it).

Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov (full-time)

Which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title.

Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Economics and Management in Mining and Exploration, qualification – mining engineer – economist, 1999; Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty 6M070700 – Mining (2020 Karaganda, Karaganda State Technical University); graduated from doctoral studies in OP 6D070700 – Mining (2023 Karaganda, Karaganda State Technical University).

Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held.

2002-2018 lecturer, Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management, Karaganda State Technical University. From 2023 to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management of Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov.

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held).


Main research interests.

Mining, the economics of the mining industry.

The main publications for the last 5 years.

1. Tanekeeva G.D., Abeuov E.A., Makhmudov D.R., Musin R.A., Balabas A.Yu. Investigation of geomechanical conditions for conducting and maintaining prisechny mine workings.  “Coal”, No. 2, 2023. – pp. 30-32. DOI: http:..dx.doi.org.10.18796.0041-5790-2023-2-00-00

2. Abeuov E.A., Tanekeeva G. D. Kazakstan ken oryndarin igerudin geomechanikalyk problemalary Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 3, 2022. – pp. 29– 32.https:..doi.org.10.48498.minmag.2022.203.3.004.

  1. Tolovchan B., Demin, V., Amanzholov, Zh., Smagulova, A., Tanekeyeva, G., Zairov, Sh., Krukovskyi, O. Ref. No.: MMD-22-0203. Ukraine, magazine “Mining of Mineral Deposits” Creation of a geomechanical model of a deposit on the example of the Severny Katpar deposit. & Cabana, E. (2022). Substantiating the rock mass control parameters based on the geomechanical model of the Severny Katpar deposit, Kazakhstan. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 16(3), 123 -133. https:..doi.org.10.33271.mining16.03.123. Ukrainian School of Mining.

4. Tanekeeva G.D., Demin V.F., Abeuov E.A., Isakov B.E., Alsenov D.A. Carrying out preparatory workings taking into account the technogenic state of the rock mass. III International Conference “Integrated Innovative Development of the Zarafshan region: achievements, problems, prospects. Navoi State University of Mining and Technology.  Uzbekistan, Navoi, 2022. – pp. 60-65.

5. Zhumabekova A.E., Demin V.F., Abeuov E.A., Tanekeyeva G. D. Mine workings supporting te chnologies on stress and strain state control basis. “Mining Journal of Kazakhstan”, No. 1, 2023. – pp. 41-47.

6. Tanekeeva G.D., Abeuov E.A., Kydrashov A.B. and others. Massiftin technologik jagdayin eskerip dayindau kazbalaryn otu kezinde tau sileminde bolatyn geomechanikalyk urdisterdi bagalau. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 10, 2023. – pp. 35-40. http:..dx.doi.org.

7. Tanekeeva G.D., Khalikova E.R., Zhumabekova A.E. and others. The method of combined fastening of the ventilation workings of the excavation column. Utility model patent No. 8679 dated 04.14.2023 on application 2023.1043.2 dated 12.01.2023.

8. Khalikova E.R., Demin V.F., Tanekeeva G.D., Abdrakhman E.A.Tau-ken kazbalaryn aralas bekitpelerin kezinde bos zhynystardagi deformationaga tau-ken technikalyk jagdailaryn aseri (article). Proceedings of the University of Moscow, No. 4, 2023. – pp. 171-177.  DOI 10.52209.1609-1825_2023_4_171

9. Tanekeeva G.D., Abeuov E.A., Kydrashov A.B. and others. Massiftin technogendik jagdayin eskerip dayindau kazbalaryn otu kezinde tau sileminde bolatyn geomechanikalyk urdisteri bagalau (Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 10, 2023. – pp. 35-40. http:..dx.doi.org.

10. V.F. Demin, S.B. Aliyev, M.M. Baymuldin, T.V. Demina Geomechanical studies of the coal-rock mass of rocks around the workings. V Conference of the International Scientific School of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy Problems and prospects of integrated development and conservation of the Earth’s interior, Moscow: IPCON RAS, 2022, pp. 80-83

11. Tanekeeva G.D., V.F. Demin, S.B. Aliyev, M.M. Baymuldin, Geomechanical studies of the coal-rock mass of rocks around the workings. Demina V Conference of the International Scientific School of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.N. Trubetskoy Problems and prospects of integrated development and conservation of the Earth’s interior, Moscow: IPCON RAS, 2022, pp. 80-83

12. Tanekeeva G. D. Economic analysis; textbook.Karaganda State Technical University. – Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSTU, 2019. – 96 p.;

13. Tanekeeva G. D., Kazakova G.N. Statistical accounting and reporting at the enterprise; textbook.Karaganda State Technical University.  Karaganda: Publishing House of KarSTU, 2020. – 80p.;

14. Tanekeeva G. D., Rauandina G. K., Kazakova G. N. Financial analysis of a mining enterprise. Workshop; textbook. “NAO Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” -Kargandy: Publishing house “NAO Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”, 2023. – 87c.

15. Tanekeeva G. D., Rauandina G. K., Kernebaev A. S. “Massive open online course on the discipline Finance and credit, NAO Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” Certificate No. 9541 dated 01.16.2024

Membership in scientific and professional societies.

There are no

Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), the number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes:

- Discipline “Intra-company planning at industrial enterprises” autumn semester, the number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2 (in the state. language).

- Discipline “Analysis of financial statements of an enterprise” autumn semester, the number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Foreign economic activity of the enterprise” autumn semester, the number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Economics of investments” autumn semester, the number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Economics of mining enterprises”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Economic analysis of the activity of an industrial enterprise”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

- Discipline “Economic statistics and statistical reporting, spring semester, number of seminars -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Engineering entrepreneurship, marketing and business planning”, spring semester, number of lecture hours -2 (in the state language).

- Discipline “Fundamentals of Economics and entrepreneurship”, spring semester, number of lecture hours -2 (in the state language).

Other duties performed during the school year, the number of hours per week. Check if they are paid additionally.

Advisor of the specialty 6B04107 “Industrial Economics”

Advanced training.

1. From 27.06.2022 to 07.08.2022, she completed a 72-hour scientific internship at Tashkent State Technical University. Islam Karimov in the field of Mining on the topic “Research and justification of the parameters of fastening preparatory workings in the zone of influence of clean-up mining”;

1. Attended a training seminar on the requirements of ISO–37001:2016 “Anti-corruption management System” at Karaganda Technical University (November 3, 2023);

2. Completed advanced training courses at Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov “Interdisciplinary collaboration in the scientific and pedagogical activities of a university teacher” in the amount of 36 hours from November 28 to December 25, 2023.

3. She completed advanced training at the Berchogur section of the West Kazakhstan region of GEOTEK LLP on the course “Project Management” in the amount of 72 hours in the period from 11.20.2023 to 12.28.2023.;

4. She took advanced training courses at NCE “Atameken” together with the Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradsky “Management accounting. Business investments. The tax system” in the amount of 72 hours and the period from 10.01.24-31.01.24;