Sarsembayev Erezhep


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems.

Basic education:

– Alma-Ata electrical engineering school of communication – electrician of wire communication;

- Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute of Communicationsnamed of N.D. Psurtseva – communications engineer.

Work experience in communication structures 42 years (KazSSR Ministry of Communications and «Kazakhtelecom» JSC).

He has been working at the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems since 2018.

He teaches in the disciplines “Control telecommunication complexes, organization of operation and protection of information”, “Power supply of electronic communication systems and telecommunications”, “Communication networks and telecommunication systems”, “Communication lines” and “Guiding telecommunication systems” in the state language.

Tel: 8 (7212) 56-75-94, additional tel. number 2060
