Pak Igor Anatolyevich


Full name, date of birth: Pak Igor Anatolyevich, June 10, 1971 year of birth.

Work experience: the general experience is 27 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience is 27 years.

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”, doctoral student.

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty “Cars and automotive industry», 1993.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: master.

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

From 1993 to the present – assistant, teacher, senior lecturer at the department of “Transport equipment and logistics systems”.

Main research interests: -

Main publications: -

Items read in the school year: -

Training: -

Contact details: office. 59-59-32 (ext. 2049),

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