Nurmaganbetova Manshyuk

Нурмаганбетова 2
PhD in Chemistry

December 27, 2011 received the title of associate professor of pedagogy

Graduated from Karaganda Pedagogical Institute in 1993

1995-2002yy – worked in Scientific Research Institute “ИОСУ National Science Academy of the RK” in the laboratory of Chemistry and coal. While working there in 2002 finished the full-time postgraduate program on specialty 020004 – “Physical chemistry” and got master’s degree of chemical sciences. Thesis: “Physical and chemical aspects of the hydrogenation of heavy hydrocarbon raw materials (coal, anthracene)”.

2003-2008 yy- worked at the Karaganda State University named after Buketov, on the vocational-art faculty, at the department of “General technical disciplines and the methodology of vacational education”. The specialist in the sphere of Vocational education. The author of more than 35 scientific papers.

At present, an associate professor at the department of ‘Vocational education’  of KSTU.