Narodkhan Dashzhan

Full name, date of birth: Narodkhan Dashzhan, 1982.

Phone, e-mail:

Position: Senior lecturer at the Department of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety.


2002-2007. – K.Satpayev National Technical University, specialty development and operation of oil and gas fields, Bachelor’s degree

2015-2017. – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”, Master’s degree

2018-2021. – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Mining”, doctoral studies

Work in the division:

2007 – 2008. – «ӨзенМұнай» LLP, burilshchik;

2008 – 2012. – individual entrepreneur;

2012 – 2014. – JSC “Шубаркөл Көмір“, driver of the burovskiy station;

2014 – till present – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Mine Aerology and Labor Protection”.

Main scientific interests: labor protection, industrial safety, aerology, life safety.

Major publications for 5 years:
- Narodkhan D., Isabek T.K., Huangan N., Tazhibaev D.K. «Влияние внешних породных отвалов на устойчивость бортов угольных разрезов». Mining Journal of Kazakhstan 2020.-No.11. –pp.32-36;

- Narodkhan D., Isabek T.K., Khodjaev R.R., Huangan N. «Численное моделирование устойчивости бортов угольных разрезов под действием распределенных нагрузок», International Scientific Journal “Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories”:Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Federation, -2020.-No.3 –pp.428-435;

- Narodkhan D., Isabek T.K., Huanggang N., Zandybai A. «Формирование зон неустойчивости борта угольного разреза под действием распределенной нагрузки», International Scientific Journal “Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories”:Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Federation, -2021.-No.4 –pp.558-563;

- Narodkhan D., Isabek T.K., Huangan N., Tazhibaev D.K., «Studying the Coal Pit Side Stability Loaded by an External Dump upon Strength Criteria», Proceedings of the University, Karaganda: KarTU, 2022.-No.2, – pp. 103-107.

Membership in scientific and professional societies:
- Trade union organizer of the mining faculty;

- Chairman of the Commission on Occupational Safety and Health of the University

Subjects and Courses:


Fall semester:

- Aerology of mining enterprises (lectures – 2 hours per week)

- Occupational health and safety (lectures – 4 hours per week)

- Risk assessment (lectures – 2 hours per week)

Spring semester:

- Aerology of mining enterprises (lectures – 2 hours per week)

- Occupational health and safety (lectures – 4 hours per week)

Professional Development:

- He took advanced training courses from May 04 to May 18, 2023 in the amount of 72 hours, on the topic: “Application of modern information technologies in education” Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Certificate no. K077.