Nugman Bahredden Gabdilbakiuly

Nugman Bahredden Gabdilbakiuly is the Candidate of Philosophy, since March 2013 he is acting of the head of “History of Kazakhstan” department in Karaganda State Technical University.

In 1991 he graduated from Karaganda State University, History Faculty. From September 1991 till November 1995, and from 2001 till 2005 he was a tutor of the Department of Philosophy in Karaganda State Medical Institute. In 2005-2008 he was a senior tutor of “Social humanitarian disciplines” department of KSTU, since 2008 he has been a senior tutor of “History of Kazakhatan” department.

In 1995-1998 he studied for his postgraduate degree in KazSNU. In 2010 he had defended his dissertarion on “Theory and history of culture” (24.00.01).

In 2004 he was a member of international expedition “The Grear Silk Way-Ata-Zhurtka sayahat” which was organized by the City Adninistration of Almaty and “Zhetisu” institute of Taldykorgan. As a result of this expedition in 2004 a press conference was held. Academitian K.M.Baipakov, the head of ecological union “Tabigat” M.Eleusizov and others partcipated there. This meeting was shown on central channels of Kazakhstan, a documentary was filmed and in 2005 International scientific-practical conference was held (“Zhetisu” institute, Taldykorgan).

Nugman B.K. wrote a course book for students “Kazakhstan is in the history of nomadic civilization” that was approved in 2007 as an academic discipline.

Nugman B.K. is the author and co-author of several works (monographs, scientific publications, theses).

For his scientific-pedagogical and educational works Nugman B.K. was awarded Grateful Diplomas by: the Rector of Medical Academy (2004), the Rector of “Zhetisu” Institute (2006), Director of Medical College (2007), Director of Commercial College (2007), Rectors of KSTU (2007, 2012), Department of Religion Affairs of Karaganda (2011), Vice-rector of Educational works of KSTU (2012). 

The main scientific researches:

I. Monographs:

1. Нугман Б.Г.Современное состояние и пути развития системы образования Республики Казахстан. В кн: Современное состояние и пути развития системы образования. В 2 книгах. К 1. : монография / под общ. ред. С. В. Куприенко ; SWorld. – Одесса: Куприенко С.В., 2012. – 176 с.

  1. Нугман Б.Г. Культурфилософский анализ кочевой цивилизации (введение в историю Казахстана): Монография / Карагандинский государственный технический университет. – Караганда : Изд-во КарГТУ, 2012. – 177 с.

3. Летопись Жетысу. Выпущено по программе «Издание социально-важных видов литературы» Комитета информации и архивов Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан / Составители: Байпаков К.М., Капекова Г.А., Адильханов М.А., Нұғман Б.Ғ.

II. Course books:

1. Казахстан в истории кочевой цивилизации. Учебное пособие. КарГТУ-2008.

  1. Көшпелі өркениет тарихындағы Қазақстан. Оқу құралы. ҚарМТУ-2008.
  2. Ұлы Дала өркениеті. Оқу құралы. ҚарМТУ-2009.

4. Қазақстан тарихы (Он бес дәріс). Оқу құралы. ҚарМТУ-2010.

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