Маликов Нурбол Муратович

фото Маликов

Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications.

Academic degree: Master of Engineering and Technology

Position: teacher of the department “Energy Systems”


- Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Thermal Power Engineering”

- Master of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Thermal Power Engineering”


In 2016, graduated from Karaganda State Technical University with a bachelor’s degree. In 2018, completed master’s degree, and in the same year was accepted as a teacher of the Department of “Energy systems”. Teaches practical and laboratory lessons for the specialties “electric power engineering”, “heat power Engineering”In 2020, he entered graduate school at the Omsk State University of Transport in the field of Electrical and Heat Engineering. At the department he is responsible for the Atameken ratings, IAAR, and registers of educational programs.