Kurymbaeva Sayagul Kanievna

Курымбаева С.К.
Higher education

Senior Lecturer of the Department of ANK and SHD, Master of Vocational Education.

Graduated from Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov in 2002.

Master’s thesis defended in 2007.

Information about current educational activities (list of disciplines read) – psychology and human development, dual education.

Information about scientific activity: the number of articles of international, republican, foreign and regional status – 6, educational and methodological complexes – 2, educational and methodological recommendations – 1.

Work experience – 7 years, work experience – 5 years.

Individual professional achievements: knowledge of Kazakh, Russian fluently, English conversational, computer at the user level.

Scientific and educational works (with links):

1. Materialy X miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji “Naukowa mysl informacyjnej powieki-2014” volume 14. Pedagogiczne nauki: Przemysl. Nauka I studia – S. 72 – 78.

2. Auyl mektebi teacher kasibi өsu zhүyesi: tazhіribe zhane lady bolashagy: rep. gylymi-pract. conf. material gifts. – Karagandy, 2014. – 243 – 245 p.

3. Scientific journal of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.-Pavlodar: PSU Publishing House, 2015.- 102-108.-Ser. Pedagogical.

4. Elbasynyn “Mangilik el” ulttyk ideas of negizinde Kazakh khandygynyn 550 zhyldygyna arnalgan “Bұқar Zhyrau – dalanyң danagөyі, bіrliktin batagөyі”: rep. gylymi-practical conference materialgifts 22 nauryz 2015 – Karagandy: KarMTU baspasy, 2015. – 267-272 b.