Ivleva Evgenia Nikolaevna

Ивлева Евгения Николаевна преподаватель

Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management

Position: Lecturer of the Department of the ANC and the SRS


After graduating from high school number 1 in the city of Sarani, Karaganda Oblast, in 1998, she entered the Saransk Humanitarian and Technical College, and graduated in 2002 with a degree in Foreign Language. In 2002, she entered the Karaganda Actual Education Institute “Bolashak”, which she graduated from 2007 in the specialty “Political Science”. In September 2007, she was employed at Karaganda State Technical University as a teacher in the department of social and humanitarian disciplines, where she is currently working, with work 7 years. In 2011 she entered the Karaganda State University named after academician Ye.A. Buketova, who graduated in 2013, where she was awarded an academic degree of Master of Social Sciences, with a degree in Sociology. During the 2013-2014 school year, she worked at the Karaganda State Technical University in the position of Acting Director of the Research Institute of Patriotic Education. Has published over 29 articles and reports. She has prepared and conducted seminars on the following subjects: “Political science”, “Sociology”, “Philosophy”. During her work she showed professionalism and ability to approach teaching these disciplines with creativity. During the period of pedagogical activity, 3 textbooks were published in the state and Russian languages, 4 basic versions of electronic textbooks were prepared, 1 multimedia presentation and 2 slide lectures were developed.

Work phone 565932

Internal phone 2052

Email address eivleva84@mail.ru