Name, date of birth: Issakov Bekzhan Erbolatovich, 1996
Telephone, e-mail:
Position: Lecturer of the Department MA and LS.
Graduate: 2013-2017 – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”
Master: 2017-2019 – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”
Work in the unit:
2017 – 2018 – Senior laboratory assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”;
2018 – 2019 – engineer of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”;
2019 – 2024 – assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”;
2023 up to the present – lecturer of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”.
Work in other divisions: -
Main publications:
- V.F. Demin, B.E. Issakov, V.V. Melnik, E.K. Konakbayev. Influence of two-level anchoring on the geomechanical state of the mass around mining. The Republican scientific and technical journal “University Proceedings”. №4. 2021.- 126-131pp;
- T.K. Issabek, N.R. Zholmagambetov, D. Narodhan, B.E. Issakov. The problem of stability and safety of geomechanical structures (condition-heap) in the development of coal deposits. International scientific journal Vestnik TarSU “Nature and problems of the anthroposphere”. Collection – №2. – p. 315-317;
- Isakov B.E., Avdeev L.A., Zholmagambetov N.R., Zhumasheva Z.N. The procedure for assessing and confirming safety requirements in coal mines. BulletinofKGIU.- 2022г.- №1(36).- с.72-78;
- Исаков Б.Е., Авдеев Л.А., Конакбаев Е.К. Задание требований по безопасности. Вестник Карагандинского государственного индустриального университета.- 2022г.- №1(36).- с.79-84;
- Isakov B.E., Avdeev L.A., Konakbayev E.K. The safety Assurance Programm in coal mines. Bulletin of KGIU.- 2022г.- №1(36).- с.85-90;
- Issakov B., Avdeev I., Zholmagambetov N., Konakbayev E., Zholmagambetov S. Safety Indicators in Coal Mines. The Republican scientific and technical journal “University Proceedings”.- 2022г.- №1.- p.135-140.
- Issakov B., Avdeev L., Zholmagambetov N., Konakbayev YE., Zholmagambetov S. Regulation of the level of safety. The Republican scientific and technical journal “University Proceedings”.- 2022г.- №4.- p.203-207.
- V.F. Demin, B.E. Issakov, A.M. Suimbayeva, E. Bilisbekkyzy. Justification of parameters for maintaining mine workeings in the conditions of coal mines. Горный журнал Казахстана, № 8 (220)2012., с. 23-28
Subjects and courses:
Autumn semester:
- Labor protection and safety of life
- Industrial safety of mining
Spring semester:
- Labor protection and safety of life
- Occupational safety
- Fundamentals of fire-fighting and fire-technical expertise
Advanced training:
- the course «Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activity of a university teacher» (NAO named after Abylkas Saginov 28.11-25.12.2023)
- course «Negotiation process skills» (12.01.2024).