Askar Zhanbolatovich Imashev

Имашев А.Ж.Mining faculty
Academic degree: Dr. Ph.D
Academic title:
Position: Head of Department
Born on November 5, 1985 in the village of Amantau, Nurinsky district, Karaganda region.
In 2008, he graduated from Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in 190440 Mine and Underground Construction.
He worked at the departments “Mine and Underground Construction” and “Development of Mineral Deposits”.
In December 2014, Imashev A.Zh. at the Dissertation Council of KSTU defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor PhD in the specialty 6D070700 – “Mining”. In March 2015, by order of the Chairman of KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 289 dated 03/02/2015, he was awarded the degree of Doctor PhD in the specialty 6D070700 – Mining.
The direction of research work Imasheva A.Zh. are “Geotechnical studies of the stability of a rock mass.”
Based on the results of scientific research Imashev A.Zh. published more than 40 scientific papers (including 2 articles in rating journals included in the Scopus database and 2 articles in journals included in the ThomsonReuters database), received 1 certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object, and also published 2 monograph and 2 study guides.
In 2015, he attended the courses “Training and advanced training of heads (top managers) of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in the direction “Research activities of universities” on the basis of the NazarbayevUniversity Graduate School of Education and universities in Japan (Ritsumeikan University; Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Kyushu University).
Winner of the State Scientific Scholarship for talented young scientists under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016 and the contest “The Best Young Scientist – Innovator of KSTU 2015″.
Winner of the title “Best University Teacher 2016″.
In 2016, he acted as the scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council at the Karaganda State Technical University for the defense of PhD doctoral dissertations in the specialties “Mining” and “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits.”
From February 1, 2017 to February 1, 2018, by order of the Rector of KSTU, he was appointed dean of the Faculty of Mining.

Work phone: 56-26-19, 87059787386

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