Full name, date of birth: Sattarova Gulmira Saparovna, 29.08.75
Phone, e-mail: e-mail: sattarovags@mail.ru.
Position – Acting Assistant Professor of the Department of “Mine Aerology and Labour Protection”.
1992-1997. – Karaganda State Technical University – speciality “Economics and management in mechanical engineering”,
1998-2000. – Master’s degree in “Ergonomics and labour protection”,
2001-2003 – postgraduate studies. Defended dissertation on speciality 05.26.01. “Labour protection” in the dissertation council at the Institute of Mining named after D.A.Kunaev in Almaty. Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Work in the division:
From October 2000 to January 2001 worked as an assistant of the department “Mine aerology and
labour protection”.
From 2001 to 2003 she was trained in full-time postgraduate course at the department “Mine aerology and labour protection” of Karaganda State Technical University on speciality 05.26.01. “Labour protection”. During this time theoretical and practical researches on the subject of the thesis were carried out.
From October 3, 2003 to July 1, 2010 she worked in Karaganda State Technical University as a
teacher of the department “Mine aerology and labour protection”.
In July 2010 she was invited to work in KARNIIPB FAO “NSTCPB” MIR RK on the position of head of the sector “Monitoring of emergency situations and rescue”. In August 2010 she was transferred to the position of Head of the Sector “Research and Risk Assessment”. In January 2011 she was transferred to the position of the Leading Researcher of the Research Laboratory “Engineering Protection and Risk Management”. In April 2011 she was transferred to the position of the Head of Research Laboratory “Engineering Protection and Risk Management”.
On September 1, 2015 she was appointed Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety”.
From September 2018 to the present time she has been working as Acting Associate Professor of the Department “Mine Aerology and Labour Protection”.
Main scientific interests: industrial safety, labour protection, risk management system.
Main publications for the last 5 years:
1. ЛевицкийЖ.Г., АкимбековаН.Н., НургалиеваА.Д., СаттароваГ.С., АхметоваА.Ж. Construction of simulating analogues of ventilation networks by base points. Журнал «Journal of Physics: Conference Series». №1, 2019, С. 1-9. 22-й процентиль
2. Левицкий Ж.Г., Нургалиева А.Д., Акимбекова Н.Н., Саттарова Г.С., Какенова М.Ж. Управление влиянием естественной тяги при экстремальных отрицательных температурах. Журнал «Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д.Серикбаева», Усть-Каменогорск, №1, 2019, С. 131-135.
3. Акимбекова Н.Н., Саттарова Г.С., Идришева Ж.К., Нургалиева А.Д., Халиева Д.М. Источники выделения метана в отработанные пространства ликвидированных шахт. Журнал «Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д.Серикбаева», Усть-Каменогорск, №3, 2019, С. 7-12
4. Акимбекова Н.Н., Саттарова Г.С., Ахметова А.Ж., Какенова М.Ж., Идришева Ж.К. Ликвидация аварий на объектах магистральных нефтепроводов. Журнал «Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д.Серикбаева», Усть-Каменогорск, №3, 2019, С. 71-75.
5. Саттарова Г.С., Ахметова А.Ж., Саттаров С.С., Мусина Э.Б. Исследование запыленности рабочих мест при производстве цемента сухим способом. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №1, 2019, С. 76-79.
6. Сулейменов Н.М., Саттарова Г.С., Шапалов Ш.К., Габайдуллин Р.И., Амиргалина А.К. Использование концентрации газов в пробах воздуха для оценки температуры самонагревания угля в выработанных пространствах. Журнал «Трудыуниверситета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №2, 2019, С. 46-49.
7. Suleimenov N. M., Shapalov Sh. K., Sattarova G.S., Sapargaliyeva В. О., Imanbayeva S. B., Bosak V. N. Numerical simulation modelling of temperature distribution in the process of coal self-heating in the mined-out spaces. Журнал «News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology sciences». Volume 2, Number 446 (2021). – С.167 – 173. 41-йпроцентиль
8. Балабас Л.Х., Саттарова Г.С., Ахметова А.Ж., Калияскарова А.Ж. Условия эффективного осаждения пыли на основе исследования динамики пылевого потока. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №3, 2019, С. 70-74.
9. Акимбекова Н.Н., Саттарова Г.С., Нургалиева А.Д., Ахметова А.Ж., Калияскарова А.Ж. Определение движения газа в барьерной скважине. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №3, 2020, С. 62-64.
10. Саттарова Г.С., Идришева Ж.К., Останин А.А. Статистический анализ производственного травматизма на угольных шахтах Казахстана. Журнал «Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д.Серикбаева», Усть-Каменогорск, №4 (90), 2020, С. 178-182
11. СаттароваГ.С., БалабасЛ.Х., ОстанинА.А. Analyzing and Developing Measures to Reduce Industrial Injuries in the Abayskaya Mine. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №3, 2021, С. 119-123.
12. Саттарова Г.С., Нургалиева А.Д., Тленшеева А.З., Демина Т.В. Экспертная система оценки безопасности производственных зданий и сооружений на основе показателей надежности. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №2, 2022, С. 97-102.
13. Саттарова Г.С., Нургалиева А.Д., Тленшеева А.З., Демина Т.В. Показатели надежности функционирования производственных зданий и сооружений, подвергшихся воздействию чрезвычайных ситуаций. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №3, 2022, С. 95-100.
14. Саттарова Г.С., Жумагалиева Ж.Е., Амиргалина А.Қ. Идентификация опасностей и оценка рисков на примере ТОО «НПО Дефектоскопия». Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №2, 2023, С. 116-121.
15. SH. Abikenova, SH. Aitimova, G. Sattarova, A. Bekmagambetov, A. Tolepov. Анализ статистических показателей производственного травматизма, произошедших на угольных шахтах Казахстана. BULLETIN OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN ISSN 1991–3494 Volume 4. Number 404 (2023), 317-329
16. SATTAROVA G., SPATAYEV N., BAIMENDI A., KUSAINOV A., DEMINA T. Methodological Approach to the Analysis and Assessment of Professional Risks. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №4, 2023, С. 85-92.
17. БАЛАБАС Л.Х., ТРИКОВ В.В., САТТАРОВА Г.С., БАЛАБАС А.Ю. Исследования влияния аэродинамических показателей пылевого потока для определения параметров запыленности промышленных объектов. Журнал «Труды университета», Караганда: КарГТУ, №4, 2023, С. 178-182.
18. F.Batessova, R.Omirbay, G.Sattarova, N.Zholmagambetov, S.Zholmagambetov, A.Dostayeva, N.Suleimenov, N.Medeubayev. Reducingindustrialnoisebytheuseofdampingalloyswhenmanufacturingminingequipmentparts. Helyion, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., Нидерланды, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 6, E17152, JUNE 2023. Q2, CiteScore 5,6, 86-йпроцентиль
19. N.D. Spatayev, G.S.Sattarova, A.D. Nurgaliyeva, L.Kh. Balabas, F.K. Batessova. ENSURING HEALTHY AND SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS IN BREAKAGE FACE WITH DIRECT-FLOW VENTILATION SCHEME. Журнал «News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology sciences». Volume 2 (458) MARCH – APRIL 2023, 177-187. 41-йпроцентиль
Subjects and courses taken in the autumn term:
“Methods and means of control of industrial environment parameters” (lectures – 2 hours/week),
“Industrial safety of mining production” (lectures – 1 hour/week, seminars – 1 hour/week),
“Labour safety management systems” (lectures -1 hour/week),
“Labour Protection” (lectures – 2 hours/week)
“Technogenic hazards and risks” (lectures – 1 hour/week)
Subjects and courses taken in the spring term:
“Labour Protection” (lectures – 2 hours/week)
“Industrial safety of mining production” (lectures – 1 hour/week, seminars – 1 hour/week),
“Management of scientific and innovative activity” (lectures – 3 hours/week)
“Attestation of production facilities for labour conditions” (lectures – 2 hours/week),
“Research methods” (lectures – 1 hour/week)
Other Responsibilities:
Responsible for planning and distribution of the teaching load of the department’s faculty.
Professional Development:
1. Professional development course “Best practices in the use of Google in distance education technologies”, KSTU, 8 June – 20 June 2020.
2. Advanced training courses “Management in Education” in the period from 20 January to 04 February 2021 at the Institute of Advanced Training and Further Education of ENU named after L.N. Gumilev. Number of hours – 72. Reg. № 02-14-15/1097 from 05.02.2021.
3. “Cyberculture, cyber hygiene and working with big data” in the period from 18 to 28 October
2021. Number of hours – 72. Reg. No. 001456;
4. “Improvement of pedagogical skills” in the period from 22 to 26 November 2021. Number of
hours – 40. Reg. No. 001793.
5. “Innovative educational technologies in training of specialists in the field of labour safety”, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata in the period from 04 April 2022 to 21 April 2022.
6. Online professional development courses “Application of modern information technologies in
education” in the period from 4 to 18 May 2023 at Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata.
Number of hours – 72. Reg. No. 079.
7. Professional development courses in SIC GeoMark LLP from 29 May to 10 June 2023. Number of hours – 72. Reg. No. 817.
8. Participation in the webinar on “Occupational Risk Assessment” held on the basis of the RGP on PVC RNIIOT of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan (17 March 2023)