Nizametdinov Farit Kamalovich


Nizametdinov Farit Kamalovich, Professor, Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, Karaganda Technical University

Laureate of the Kazakh SSR Council of Ministers Award in Science and Technology, doctor of technical sciences, professor. After graduating from KarPTI, was appointed to the department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy,” where he worked his way up from engineer to professor, head of the department of surveying and geodesy At one time he was vice-rector for science and international relations KSTU. From January 2009 to 2017 – Head of the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at KSTU. Specialist in the field of geomechanics of opencast mining of mineral deposits, surveying and geodesy.

Author of more than 120 publications, including three monographs, ten brochures, and certificates of authorship. He was awarded Silver Medal of All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy of the USSR (1988), Prize of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR in Science and Technology (1989), Honorable MES RK (2003), MES RK badge “For Successes in Science Development in the RK” (2007). Received the title of “Engineer of the Year” (1990). Awarded the Grant “The best teacher of the university” (2007, 2012).

Chairman of the Surveyors’ Union of Kazakhstan, a member of the presidium of the International Union of Surveyors.

Prepared to defend 12 candidates of technical sciences, 20 masters in engineering and technology.

Reads lectures on undergraduate and graduate courses. Geodesy and Cartography major in the disciplines: “Geoinformation systems”, “Geodesic instrumentation”; on specialty “Mining” on disciplines: “Mine surveying”, “Rock displacement”, “Higher geodesy”, “Mine surveying on the OGR” Passed an internship at “Nazarbayev University” in 2016.