Bolat Aigul Zhumakhanovna

Faculty: Engineering
Department of Foreign Languages
Academic degree: candidate of philological sciences
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

1991-1995 Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperatives, Finance and Credit, Economist.
2000-2002 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, a foreign language teacher, English.
2002-2005 Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, Graduate School, specialty 10.02.19 – Theory of Language.
2007 Protection and award of a scientific degree of a candidate of philological sciences in specialty 10.02.19 – Theory of language.

1995-2000 LSP Dormash Prim, an accountant.
2007-2010 Kazakh Ablai khan University of international relations and world languages , Translation Faculty, Head of the Practice of Speaking English Language department.
2012-2018 Central Kazakhstan Academy, Faculty of Translation, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language.

List of scientific papers and methodological works

Name Type of work (printed orhandwritten) Publisher, magazine (title, number, year), copyright certificate number
1 Language picture of the world in the anthroponyms of English and Kazakh UDC 81-35 (811.111 + 811.512.122) For manuscript rights Thesis for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in specialty 10.02.19 – Theory of Language, Diss. Council D14.14.01 on the award of the degree of Doctor of Philology in KazUIR & WL them. Abylaikhan, Almaty, 2007.
2 Language picture of the world in the anthroponyms of English and Kazakh UDC 81-35 (811.111+811.512.122) For manuscript rights Abstract of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in the specialty 10.02.19 – Theory of Language, Diss. Council D14.14.01 on the award of the degree of Doctor of Philology in KazUIR & WL them. Abylaikhan, Almaty, 2007.
3 On the reflection of the world’s picture in the names of people (on the material of the English and Kazakh languages) printed The Republic of Kazakhstan in the global intercultural space. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. – Almaty, KazUMOImya them. Abylayhan, 2003.
4 Stages of the formation of the anthroponymy of the modern Kazakh language printed Languages in the world cultural and educational space. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. – Almaty, KazNU. Al-Farabi, “Kazakh University”, 2004.
5 Stages of the anthroponymy formation of modern English printed Theoretical and methodological aspects of linguistics. Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference. – Almaty, KazNPU, 2004.
6 The concept of the language picture of the world in modern lighting printed Bulletin of KazUlMoMYA, Almaty, №1 (7), 2004.
7 Problems motivating anthroponym printed Bulletin KazNPU them. Abay, Almaty, №1 (11), 2005.
8 Questions of the theory of concepts in modern linguistics printed Bulletin KazNU them. Al-Farabi, Almaty, “Kazakh University”, No. 5 (87), 2005.
9 Analysis of the concepts of anthroponyms in English printed Modern methods of assessing the level of proficiency in the languages of the peoples of EurAsEC. Collection of materials of a scientific and methodical seminar. – Almaty, KazUIR & WL them. Abylaikhan, 2009.
10 Innovative technologies: a communicative approach in teaching language specialties printed Problems of development of scientific-innovative and educational process at the present stage. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference for young scientists, undergraduates and students, the Central Scientific Institution “MGTI-Lingva”, Karaganda, 2012.
11 Problem in teaching foreign languages in language universities printed Problems of development of scientific-innovative and educational process at the present stage. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference for young scientists, undergraduates and students, the Central Scientific Institution “MGTI-Lingva”, Karaganda, 2012.
12 Didactic principles in innovative technologies printed Current trends in language training of competitive specialists in the context of economic integration Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, KEU, Karaganda, 2012.