Alken Saltanat Hamzakyzy

Алкен Салтанат Хамзакызы_преподаватель каф ИЯFaculty: Mechanical Engineering
Department: Foreign languages
Position: teacher

Alken Saltanat Hamzakyzy was born in Karaganda region on the 14th of August, 1983.

Education:2003-2006, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, specialty – “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”.

2008 – 2011 the teacher of English at secondary school № 59, Karaganda
2011 — 2013 the teacher of Foreign Languages department, Karaganda State Medical university
2013 — 2016  the teacher of Foreign Languages department, Karaganda State Technical university
2016 — 2017 the teacher of Foreign Languages department, Karaganda State Medical university
2017 — the teacher of Foreign Languages department, KTU

Scientific and methodical works:
The author of scientific publications, certificate of intellectual property of MJ KR, 3 manuals, 1 electronic manual, slide-lectures, multimedia presentation.
1. The method of control and evaluation of the students’ achievements on the discipline «The foreign language» in non-linguistic higher educational establishments//«Наукаиобразованиев XXI веке» the materials of international scientific-practical conference, Tambov, part 12; 2013.-P. 8-9.
2. Шет тілі сабақтарында ойын технологияның әдістерін қолдану мүмкіндіктері //«Новое слово в науке: стратегия устойчивого развития экономики регионов» thematerialsofinternationalscientific-practicalconference, 2014. Shymkent: — Mirasunversity. – P.63-69.
3. Шет тілі сабақтарында ойын технологияны қолдану мүмкіндіктері //«Наука и образование в современном мире» thematerialsofinternationalscientific-practicalconference, February 21-22, 2014, Karaganda: «Болашак» university, tom 9.-P.76-78.
4. Mobile technology in foreign language learning // «Наукаиобразованиев XXI веке» the materials of international scientific-practical conference, Tambov, 2014.-P. 8-12.
5. Analysis of the educational system for the study of technical profile language by Kazakh students //European Journal of Natural History, № 3, 2014.-P. 3-9. Impact factor 0,332.
6. Formation of core competencies in learning of students // «Excellence in English teaching and research for better learning outcomes» the materials of international scientific-practical conference, Shymkent, April 28-29 , 2015 — P. 56-64.
7. Language practice for Mechanical Engineering. The manual for the students on “Mechanical engineering” specialty on the discipline “Professional-oriented English”,  Karaganda: KSTU publishing, 2016- p. 80
8. Automatics and Robotics. The certificate of intellectual property of MJ KR №256, the 2nd of December, 2016.
9. Realization of principles of multilingual education in extra-curricular activities at Foreign Languages Department of KSMU // «Проблемы, опытиперспективыподготовкиполиязычныхспециалистов» the seminar materials , Karaganda, KSMU, the 11th of May, 2017.
10. Workbook on the Professional-oriented English language for the students of the specialty «Technology of pharmaceutical production» // The manual on the Professional-oriented English language, Karaganda: KSMU publishing, 2017.-80 p.

Scientific and pedagogical interests:
Teaching English as a foreign language
Professional and pedagogical education, including technical
The using of interactive methods
Professionally-oriented instruction in foreign languages

Work phone: 11-52