Belichenko Arkady Petrovich


Belichenko Arkady Petrovich


Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications

Department of Energy Systems

Academic degree: Master’s degree

Position: Senior Lecturer



In 2004 he graduated from KarSTU with a degree in mining electrical engineer, in 2006 he graduated with a master’s degree in Electric Power Engineering.


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 19 years.


Currently, he works at the Department of “Energy Systems” of KarSTU named after Abylkas Saginov, as a senior lecturer, lectures on special disciplines of the department: “Electric machines”, “Electrical installations”, “Electromechanical installations of mining and general industrial enterprises”, “CAD in thermal power engineering”, “CAD in electric power engineering”, “Electric drive in electromechanical installations”, “Electrical engineering and Electric Drive”.

Responsible for the Corporate University.

Conducting advanced training courses for third-party specialists.

Responsible for the master’s degree documentation, and the purchase of equipment.

Curator of Master’s degree groups.


In total, according to the results of scientific activity, 34 scientific papers were published, including 7 articles and 27 abstracts of reports at various conferences – 5 foreign, 22 – the Republic of Kazakhstan, 6 – certificates of state registration of rights to an object of copyright.

He is the executor of the AR19675518 project “Creation of a pilot industrial model of an innovative passenger pneumatic lift for buildings and structures”.

In 2023, he completed advanced training – participated in a training seminar on organizing the work of an information and explanatory group to improve religious literacy. He successfully completed a course on the topic – Fundamentals of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption.


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