Алдаберген Іңкәр

Faculty of Energy, telecommunications automation

Master of Physics


In 2017 she graduated from the magistracy of Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov specialty “Technical Physics”. Theme of master’s thesis: “Technical inspection of engineering communications of the city of Zhezkazgan.” After graduating with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KSU in 2017, she received an academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences. Since September 2017 she has been working as a teacher at the Department of Physics of the Karaganda State Technical University. The main scientific work: “Technical inspection of water supply systems of the city of Satpayev”, the natural science journal “Exact science”. – Kemerevo 2017 – pp. 19-24;”Hydraulic calculation of water supply”, International Conference “Naukowamyslinbformacyjneypowieki – 2017″ – p. 61-64 .; “Satpayev Kalasyn Sumen Kamtamyasyz etu zhyyesіn techniki sertteu”, Collection of scientific works – Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSU, 2017 – p. 161-167.

Contact details: 8 (7212) 565-932 (2027)

Е – mail: inkar94_kz@mail.ru

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