Коshebayeva Gaukhar Kapenovna

Кошебаева ГDSC_3578



  • Коshebayeva  Gaukhar Kapenovna, 12/08/1954
  • Professor
  • Каraganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty “Economy and Organization of Machine Building Industry”, 1976
  • Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
  • Work in the division, including dates of hiring and positions:

1980-1982 Sn. engineer of SEP at KPTI

1982-1985 Assistant of the Economy and organization of mechanical engineering department at KPTI

1989-1990 Lecturer of the Economic theory department at KPTI

1991-1993 Sn. lecturer of the Economic theory department at KPTI

1993-2009 Associate Professor of the Economic theory department at KPTI

2009-2010 Associate professor of the Enterprise management department due to renaming the

Economic theory department at KPTI

2011-2017 Professor of the Enterprise Management department at KPTI

2017- till present Professor of the Enterprise Economy and Management department at KTU,

at present Abylkas Saginov Karaganda technical University NJSC


  • Work at the other divisions and organizations (including dates and positions):

1976-1980 Novo-Karaganda machine building plant of PC Karagandagormash, ASPC division,


1985-1989 Target postgraduate studies at S. Ordzhonikidze MEU (Moscow)

  • Main scientific interests

Problems of the regional economy, economic competitiveness, development of industrial-

production complexes, digital economy

  • Main publications in the last 5 years:

-  Shevyakova A., Petrenko E.,Arystan M., Koshebayeva G. Special institution in the real sectors of the economy with active state participation: Case of Kazakhstan// Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 (10-11 April, 2019)/ – Granada, Spain.- pp. 6596-6609.  https://ibima.org/conference/33rd-ibima-conference/    (SCOPUS)

- Petrenko E.S., Denisov I.V., Koshebayeva G.K., Koroleva A.A. Prospects for business models: “blue oceans”, business management, innovation on the demand side and sustainable development // Creative Economy. – 2019. – Volume 13. – No. 12. – pp. 2327-2336 (HAC)

- E. V. Belokurova, S. V. Pizikov, E. S. Petrenko, G.K.Koshebayeva. The Institutional Model of Building the Digital Economy in Modern Russia//  Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (книга). – Springer Volume 87.-2020-1051 p. – pp. 64-70  (SCOPUS)

- Y. Petrenko, I. Denisov, G. Koshebayeva, V. Biryukov.  Energy efficiency of Kazakhstan enterprises: Unexpected findings // Energies 2020, 13(5), 1055 https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/13/5/1055#cite (Scopus)

- Studying the properties of refractory products manufactured by two-stage pressing under industrial conditions// Metalurgija  2020, 59( 4), P.547-550 (SCOPUS)

- Koshebayeva G.K., Koroleva A.A. Creative industries: comparative analysis and current state in Kazakhstan // Economics and Statistics.- 2020.- No. 3.- P.53-58 (CCES)

Vechkinzova E.Petrenko E.Matkovskaya Y.S., Koshebayeva G. The dilemma of long-term development of the electric power industry in Kazakhstan// Energies, 2021, 14(9), 2374 (SCOPUS) ;https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/9/2374

- Magrupova Z., Koshebayeva G., Abzalbek G. Management of sustainable development of the regions of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions// E3S Web of Conferences 295, 01006 (2021) WFSDI 2021(Scopus )

-    E. Drobot , I. Makarov, Y. Petrenko, G.Koshebayeva. Relationship between Countries’ Energy

Indicators and the Indices of GVC Participation: The Case of APEC Member Economies// Energies 2022,

15(5), 1675. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15051675 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies (Scopus)

-    А.Shevyakova , Ye. Petrenko , G.Koshebayeva,  D. Ulybyshev. Peculiarities of Housing

and Communal Services and the Difficulties of Implementing Energy-Saving Technologies:

The Case of Kazakhstan// Energies 2022, 15, 7576.

https://doi.org/10.3390/en15207576 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies (Scopus)

-   Jakupova D., Koshebayeva G., Alpysbayeva N., Biryukov V. Analysis of the Youth Policies and

Its Impact on the Economic Policy of the State for the Tourism Development// Journal of Environmental

Management and Tourism, 2022, 13 (6) ( Volume XIII, Issue 6(62) : 1603-1615. (Scopus)

-    Alpysbaeva N.A., Koshebayeva G.K. Analysis and prospects for the development of Kazakhstan’s export

potential //Proceedings of the University, 2022 No. 4, pp. 382-389 (KOKSNVO)

-    A. Shevyakova, G. Koshebayeva, A. Urazbekov. Operational environment analysis (DEA) using the

example of Utilities enterprises in the housing and communal services sector of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of

the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and international trade (KazUEFMT), 2022.- No. 4(49).-

P.352-359 (CCES)

-    Vechkinzova, E.A.Ryattel, A.V.Nabokikh, A.A.Petrenko, Y.S., Koshebayeva G.K. Limits of

involvement of intelligent machines in socio-economic relations in emerging economies//

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets., 2023, 18(2-3), С. 302–313 (Scopus)

-     Magrupova Z.M., Koshebayeva G.K., Biryukov V.V. Increasing investment activity in Kazakhstan by

based on the principles of sustainable development // Proceedings of the University, 2023,

No. 3, pp. 353-358 (CCES)

-    Koshebayeva G.K., Magrupova Z.M., Biryukov V.V. Managed urbanization in Kazakhstan in a digital

Environment Economics // Proceedings of the University, 2023, No. 4, pp. 312-323 (CCES)

  • Membership in scientific ans professional societies:

Since 2013   Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science

2019-2020   Member of the Dissertation Council for defending PhD dissertations  in specialties 6D050600 -

Economics, 6D 051000 State and local management at Karaganda Economic University

2019-2020   Chairman of the SCC in the Educational program of PhD studies 8D04102 State and local

management at KEU of Kazpotrbsoyuz

2020-2021   Foreign member of the Dissertation Council of Saint-Petersburg University in scientific specialty

08.00.05 – Economy and management of people’s economy (regional economy)

  • Awards and given prizes:

2013           Award pin “Honored worker of education” of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2015           Title “Best teacher of the University, RK MES grant

2016            Award pin “Y. Altynsarin”

2021            Gratitude from the Minister of education and science

2023            Honor diploma of the Minister of science and higher education

2023     Title “Best teacher” of the Association of higher education institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Disciplines and course taught in the current academic year (in terms), the number of lecture, seminar

                         and laboratory classes per week

Basics of Economics and Entrepreneurship (autumn term), 4 hours of lectures per week, 8 hours of SIWT

per week

Microeconomics (autumn semester), 2 hours of lectures per week, 2 hours of SIWT per week

Management of research practice and internship, R&D (autumn term), 21 hours

Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship (spring term), 2 hours of lectures per week, 5 hours of SIWT per week

Supervision of R&D and master’s theses (spring term), 7 hours per week

  • Other obligations executed within the academic year, number of hours per week. Indicate  whether

they are paid additionally:

                  Member of the Academic Council of the University

                            Member of the Certification Commission of the University

Member of the Competition Commission of the University

Member of the ERB of the University

Member of the editorial board of the University Proceedings Journal

                            Member of the Ethical Board of the University

                            Member of the University Commission for selecting candidates to the republican competition “Best teacher of

the University -2023”


  • Advanced training:

2016 Seminar course “System-transdisciplinary methodology in economic research” in

volume of 32 hours, at the State University of Management (SUM), Moscow

2016 Internship on the topic “Strategic management of organizations in the 21st century” at the Federal

State “Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University” in the amount of 32

hours, St. Petersburg

2016 Course “Organization infrastructure management. Projects management”, Universite De Lorraine,

France, Nancy, Metz

2017-2018 English language courses at “Study Inn” under the “Pre-Intermediate” program in

Volume 120 hours with a certificate

2018  Advanced training courses “Certified University Teacher” within the framework of

implementation of the CASTLE project with the total volume of 90 hours at KEU

2021 Advanced training courses of 72 hours “Cyber culture, cyber hygiene and work

big data” At Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC

2023  72-hour advanced training course “Entrepreneurial Investments”, Bucharest