Ponomareva Marina Viktorovna



  • Ponomareva Marina Viktorovna
  • Year of birth: 18.02.1970.
  • Contact details: mv_ponomareva18@mail.ru
  • Education: in 1992 she graduated from the Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, majoring in mining geophysics. In 1996, she entered the correspondence graduate school of KSTU with a specialty in “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits.” In 2005, she received the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 25.00.16 – “Mining and oil and gas field geology, geophysics, surveying and subsoil geometry”, in 2010 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty – Geophysics.
  • Work experience: Since 1996, he has been working at KSTU as an engineer, assistant, senior lecturer, head. department, associate professor.
  • Main scientific interests: geophysical sampling, interpretation of geophysical data, geology and mineral exploration.
  • Achievements: over the past 5 years there have been publications: 7 articles in journals included in the international database Clarivate Analytics, Scopus; 12 articles in publications recommended by KOKSON MES RK and the RSCI database; 14 articles in materials of international conferences, symposiums in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad; 3 monographs; 9 textbooks, 3 of them in the state language and 2 in English. Received 2 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an invention, 1 Eurasian patent for an invention, 13 certificates of intellectual property. A massive open online course “General and Historical Geology” has been developed (2023), 3 electronic textbooks, 1 course of lectures based on the official platform of the university, 2 courses of video lessons based on the official platform of the university. Executor for the grant funding project for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 No. AP19678770 “Radioecological aspects of the radioactivity of thermal coals and ash and slag waste in the context of their impact on the environment” under agreement No. 319/23-25 dated 03.08. 2023 Received: letter of gratitude from the rector of KSTU – 2018, 2019, certificate of honor for significant contribution to the development of Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, 2023. Winner of the Republican Competition “Best University Teacher – 2022″.
  • Advanced training: completed scientific internships: at the Institute of Geology of the Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko, September 01-30, 2021 Advanced training courses were completed: annual advanced training at the KF LLP “Azimut Geology”, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023; advanced training at KAZPROMGEOFIZIKA JSC, 06/30/2022; advanced training of Geotek LLP, February 06-24, 2023; advanced training courses “Standards of public reporting on the results of geological exploration, mineral resources and mineral reserves of KAZRC”, Karaganda, KAZRC Association. February 15-16, 2019; advanced training courses “Specialized accreditation of educational programs of higher educational institutions”, Almaty, February 2019; advanced training courses “Virtual group training using IT technologies. Experience of using the platform in an educational environment”, Karaganda, June 08-20, 2020; advanced training courses “Cyber culture, cyber hygiene and working with big data”, Karaganda. October 18-28, 2021; advanced training courses “Improving pedagogical skills”, Karaganda. November 22-26, 2021; advanced training courses “Anti-corruption management system”, Karaganda. September 5-6, 2022; advanced training “Interdisciplinary collaboration in the scientific and pedagogical activities of university teachers” (2023). Attending English language courses in 2018, 2019.
  • Knowledge of languages: Russian – native, Kazakh – A1, English – Pre-Intermediate level.
  • Professional skills and knowledge: special technical and research skills in the field of geological and geophysical research, scientific and pedagogical skills of a higher education employee.