Anastasia Mikhailovna Leontieva

18.04.81 birth.

Graduated with honors from Karaganda State Technical University in 2002 with a degree in Computer-aided Design Systems.

In 2003, she graduated with honors from the Master’s degree and received an academic degree of Master of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Computer Engineering and Software”.

In 2006, she completed postgraduate studies in the field of Lifting and transport mechanisms and machines.

Since 2003, he has been an associate professor at the International Academy of Informatization. He has dozens of publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings.

Currently, he works at the Department of Information Technology and Security as a senior lecturer, with 21 years of work experience at the department.

Teaches the following disciplines: System Programming, Expert Systems, Software Testing, etc. He is also involved in the management of graduate projects and research papers of students.

He treats his profession with love).