Madisheva Rima Kopbosynkyzy


Madisheva Rima Kopbosynkyzy

Year of birth: 05/09/1985.

Contact details:

Education: KSTU “Geophysical methods of search and exploration of mineral deposits”, KSTU “Geophysical methods of search and exploration of mineral deposits” (2014, master’s degree); NAO KarTU 6D070600 “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” 2020

Work experience: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration (2020-2021); from 2021 to present acting Associate Professor of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration.

Main scientific interests: in the field of geology of mineral deposits.

Achievements: over the past 5 years there have been publications: more than 10 publications of reports of international scientific and practical conferences; 8 articles in journals from the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 4 articles in journals included in the Scopus and WoS databases; as well as 3 textbooks, of which 2 are recommended by the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 textbooks and 1 monograph recommended by the Academic Council of KTU named after Abylkas Saginov. Hirsch index according to Scopus = 2. head of research grant funding in the amount of more than 18 million tenge.

Advanced training: MGRI named after. S. Ordzhinikidze, Moscow, 2013; TPU, Tomsk, (2021). Seminar “Standards for public reporting on the results of geological exploration, mineral resources and mineral reserves of KAZRG”, Karaganda, 2019; “Technologies of emotional leadership. Management through influence”, Karaganda, 2019; Azimuth Geology LLP on the topic “Innovative methods for ensuring compatibility of drilling intervals”, Karaganda, 2020; “Development of management potential of HiPo employees”, Karaganda, 2020

Knowledge of languages: Kazakh – native, Russian – fluent, English – above average.

Professional skills and knowledge: geological support in computer programs AutoCad, Corel Draw.