Karilkhan Aydyngul

Карилхан Айдынгул


Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of X and XT

 Academic degree: Master of technics and technology, specialty 6N073100 “The safety life human and protection of environment “.


In 1996 she graduated from the Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Sh.Ualikhanov with a degree in chemistry and biology; in 2011 she graduated from the magistracy of KSTU in the specialty 6N073100 ” The safety Life human and protection of environment”; Doctorate, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty “6D060600 – Chemistry”.

Work Experience:

1996-2007 – teacher of chemistry and biology at school number 1 in Ulgey

2008-2009 – Assistant of the Department of Industrial Ecology and Chemistry, KSTU;

2008-2010 – full-time master’s degree;

2010-2018 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, KSTU;

2018 – 2021 doctorate, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Courses taught:«Chemistry»,”Chemistry of organic compounds”, “Chemistry of natural compounds”, “Technology of processing hydrocarbons”. 

Courses,internships: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, RF, The safety lifehuman and protection of environment, Chemistry, 2010.

Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Voltaic-ampermetric control of environmental objects, food products and consumer goods, 2014.

Scientific internship, Szeged University, Hungary, 2020. 

Publications:Author of over 20 publications, 5 textbooks

Public work:curator gr. OPI (HTOV) -19-1.

Work phone:56-79-32

Email address:aidynguljj@mail.ru

Карилхан А. список трудов