Tulegenova Madina Kazhimkanovna

Тулегенова Мадина

Faculty: Mechanical Engineering
Department of Foreign Languages
Academic degree: Master of Arts
Position: Senior Teacher

2000 – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, specialty “teacher of English and German.”
2000-2009 -an English teacher in gymnasium No. 93 in Karaganda.
From 2009 to this day – Senior Teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of KTU.

Main publications over the last 5 years: 1 article, in a scientific journal, 2022/17, included in the Scopus database;

4 articles in publications recommended by the KOKSNVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Bulletin of Karaganda University (№2(106), 2022); Bulletin of the Toraigyrov University (No. 3, 2022); Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (No. 1, 2023); Izvestia Abylai Khan KazIRandWL. (No.2(69) 2023); article ‒ in the scientific journal “Khabarshy” KazNPU named after Abai (No.1(75) 2021); publications in scientific collections and presentations at various conferences: an article in the online publication “Scientific Research of the XXI century” (№3(5), 2020, (RSCI);

report at the scientific and methodological seminar “International Akhanov Readings – XXVI” (Istanbul; Almaty, 2023 – May 8-9);

report at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “XV Saginov readings. Integration of education, science and production” (Karaganda, 2023 – June 16-17);

Russian dictionary (based on the material of the Russian language with interpretation in Russian, Kazakh and English) – printed edition, Karaganda: publishing house “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”, 2023; Explanatory online dictionary of stock slang – electronic edition (certificate of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.37873 dated July 11, 2023, Astana, 2023) co-authored.

Professional development:

1. Advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (JSC NCPC “Orleu”) Almaty, 2013

2. Foreign language for teachers of pedagogical specialties (Abylai Khan KazIRandWL) Almaty, 2017

3. Online Coursera course (May, 2023)