Yudakova Valeriya

Faculty of Engineering

Academic degree: Master

Position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy


Yudakova Valeriya, born on July 29, 1973 in the city of Karaganda of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian, has a higher education, in 1990 entered KarPTI, in 1995 graduated as an engineering constructor  with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering. In February 1999 was admitted to KSTU as Secretary of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. In 2003, entered the FAE, graduated in 2006 with a degree in “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials” with the qualification of materials engineer. From 2006 to 2008 studied at the KSTU graduate school, which she graduated with honors and a master’s degree in Materials Science and Technology of New Materials. During studying at KSTU, since 2002 worked at the Department of MM&N (former MLP and KM) as an assistant, since 2005 – as a teacher, since 2008 – as a senior teacher. During this period also was a senior tutor and scientific secretary of the Department of MM&N, senior tutor of the Faculty of Engineering. Since February 2011 – the vice-dean of IM in educational work. Since February 2013 – Chairman of the Council of tutors of KSTU, since March 2013 – combined with the post of director of the Department of Youth Policy.

From 2012 to 2015 studied at the doctoral program in the specialty 6D070900 “Metallurgy”. During doctoral studies,  completed a foreign scientific internship at the University of Lorraine (Metz, France).

Since September 1, 2015 Yudakova V.A. accepted as a senior lecturer at the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy. Now is responsible for the QMS of the Department of NTM.

Yudakova V.A. has more than 30 published scientific and methodological works, including 1 article in the journal Metallurgija (Croatia), which is part of the Scopus and TR databases.

Work phone: 8 (7212) 565935

Internal phone: 1082

Email address: lera-mlp@mail.ru

Scientific works:

1. Physical materials science

2. Physical materials science

3. The increase in the term “color” service paint coatings using nanomagnesia

4. Rheological functions of sand-resin mixtures, etc.

14. Юров В.М., Платонова Е.С., Юдакова В.А. Микроструктура и свойства жаростойких многослойных покрытий Вестник КазНИТУ, Изд-во КазНИТУ, Алматы, 2019, № 1, с. 566-571
15. Платонова Е.С., Юдакова В.А., Кумзина В.В., Омарбаева Ж.Г. Профилактика религиозного экстремизма как одно из направлений патриотического воспитания молодежи Сборник статей V Международной научно-практической конференции «Приоритеты педагогики и современного образования», МЦНС «Наука и просвещение», Пенза, 5 марта, 2019, стр. 59-61
16. Платонова Е.С., Юдакова В.А. Повышение эксплуатационных свойств механизмов горношахтного оборудования Сборник научных статей по итогам десятой международной научной конференции «Передовые инновационные разработки. Перспективы и опыт использования, проблемы внедрения в производство», Казань, 30 ноября, 2019, Часть 1, стр. 62-64
17. Юдакова В.А., Платонова Е.С. Производство изделий из неметаллических материалов Караганда, изд-во КарГТУ, 2017, 94 с. ISBN 978-601-315-399-5
18. Платонова Е.С., Юдакова В.А., Смагулова Ж.Б., Аринова С.К. Металл емес материалдар өндірісі Караганда, изд-во КарГТУ, 2017, 74 с. ISBN 978-601-315-412-1
19. Юдакова В.А., Платонова Е.С. Manufacturingproductsofnonmetallicmaterials Караганда, изд-во КарГТУ, 2019, 86 с. ISBN 978-601-315-806-8