Ryabkova Marina

Position: Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior lecturer

Eduction: Karaganda Polytechnical Institute, specialty: «Industrial and civil engineering», 1980-1985
Qualification:  Construction engineer

Professional experience – 1 year
1994 – 1995 –the leading specialist of the Research Institute «Mosdorproekt», Moscow.

Research and educational experience –23 years
1985-1990 – Assistant of the department of «Building technology», KSTU;
2000-2010 – Senior lecturer of KFEU;
2010-2018 – Senior lecturerof the department of«Management of enterprises» KSTU;
2018 – to the present day– Senior lecturer of the department of«Construction materials and technology», KTU.

Advanced training:
- «Kaspi Bank», Department «Business lending», 2015;
- «AsiaGarantServis» LLP, Financial Department, 2015;
- Coarse «Engineering education», KSTU, 2015;
- Coarse «Methods of management decision-making»,KSTU, 56 hours, 2015;
- «Fundamentals of innovative education in modern university», KSTU, 2016;
- «Naidorovskoe» LLP(enterprise of SPIID-2 ) 2017.

Disciplines: «Building systems», «Installation and reconstruction of special facilities», «Inspection and reconstruction of buildings and structures», «Architecture of civil buildings», «Building construction -2».

Scientific works:
1- «Increasing the role of education in the formation of human capital in Kazakhstan». «Economic problems» // №2, April, 2014 – М.: Sputnik+, 2014. – 110p. – pp.39-44.
2-«The state and prospects of educational market development in in Kazakhstan». «Economicproblems» // №2 2015., - М.: Sputnik+, 2015. – 110p.-pp.7-10
3- «Risk management of enterprise in the market economy». «Economic problems» // №3 2016., – М.: Sputnik+, 2016. – 106p.-pp.14-17.
4-«Integration of science, education and production». «Economic matters» // №1 2017., – М.: Sputnik+, 2017. – 115p.-pp.7-10.
5-«Academic mobility as an element of integration». «Economic matters», №4-July, 2017. - М.: Sputnik+,, 2017. – 128p.-pp.21-25

Training manuals:
-Economic and mathematical modeling in management: Training manual/ М.P. Pyabkova. Karaganda: KSTU, 2017. 89 p.
-Management culture and ethics of the government employees: Training manual / М.P. Ryabkova; Karaganda: KSTU, 2017, 96 p.

Kazakh – with dictionary,
Russin – excellent,
English – with dictionary