Tentekbayeva Zhuldyz Mukhamedgaliyevna

Тентекбаева Жулдыз Мухамедгалиевна_старший преп. каф ИЯFaculty: Mechanical Engineering
Department: Foreign languages
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
Position: senior teacher

2004 – graduated from academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda state university in specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (qualification: teacher of English and French languages);
2012 – graduated from academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda state university in specialty “Economics” (qualification: bachelor in economics and business);
2015 – graduated from academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda state university in specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (qualification: master of pedagogical sciences).

Length of work: 14 years
2004 — 2006 — the teacher of foreign languages department, Multi-specialty humanitarian and technical university;
2006 — 2016 — the teacher of foreign languages department, academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda state university;
2016 — till present — the senior teacher of foreign languages department, Karaganda state technical university

Data on professional development:
2005 – Center for professional advancement and retraining “Program of upgrade training courses and retraining of personnel of higher education institution for the remote and credit system of teaching” (Karaganda);
2008 – a seminar on a subject “English as a second language” (Karaganda Association Teachers of English);
2013 – a seminar on a subject “Using minimum resources to maximum effect” (Macmillan)
2013 – a scientific and practical seminar on a subject “Foreign-language accent in English: as we are heard by the British” (Novosibirsk state pedagogical university);
2014 — a scientific and practical seminar on the subject “Penetration of English into other Culture” (Tambov state technical university).
2016 – Karaganda state technical university upgrade training courses “Problem of methodical aspect of multilingual education in the system of secondary and higher school”

“Reading as a type of speech activity when training in foreign language in nonlinguistic higher education institution”, Materials of the VIII International research and practice conference. – Sofia: Publishing house: Byal GRAD-BG.
“The professional focused teaching in foreign languages of students of economic specialties”, Materials of the VIII International research and practice conference. – Sofia: Publishing house: Byal GRAD-BG.
“Use of speech situations as a necessary condition of formation of students’ foreign-language competence of nonlinguistic specialties”, Materials of the VIII International research and practice conference. – Peremyshl: Publishing house: Nauka i studia.
«Forms and scales of political repressions in the period of collectivization in Kazakhstan», Kazakhstan: Culture, Traditions, and Contemporary Issues. – USA.
«Studying of the subject of psychology and professional thinking of psychologists», Education and science without borders: Collection of scientific articles. – Prague.
“To a question of the motivational sphere of a student personality at learning of foreign language in nonlinguistic higher education institution”, Collection of scientific reports of International research and practice conference. – Warsaw: Publishing house: Diamond trading tour.
“Concept of updating of native and foreign languages interrelation “, Materials of the IX International research and practice conference – Prague: Publishing house: Education and Science.
“To the question of formation of the polycultural personality by means of polylingual education”, Materials of International research and practice conference, Karaganda: Publishing house KSU.
“Ethnolinguodidactic approach as methodological support of polylingual education”, World Applied Sciences Journal: Collection of scientific articles. – Moscow.
“Terminological fund of theoretical-methodological conceptualization of multilingual education”, Life Science Journal: Collection of scientific articles. – New York.
“The technology of individual polylingual culture improvement by means of internet communication”, Materials of Republic research and practice conference, Karaganda: Publishing house KSU.
«Cross-cultural communication as a way of achievement of cross-cultural communicative competence», European Researcher: Collection of scientific articles. – Sochi.
“Monitoring of educational achievements as a key element of quality control system of teaching students”, Materials of the XI International research and practice conference – Peremyshl: Publishing house: Nauka i studia.
“To a question of formation of the polycultural personality by means of polylingual education”, Collection of scientific articles. – Karaganda: Bolashak-Baspa.

Internal phone number: 11-52
E-mail address: zh.tentekbaeva@kstu.kz