Nesipbaeva Nazym

nFaculty: Mechanical Engineering
Department:  Foreign Languages
Должность: Teacher

In 2004 year I have finished Karaganda University of Business, Management and Law, department of Foreign Languages.
2004-2005 year worked as English teacher at 68 school.
Since 2008 year I have worked as a English teacher in KTU, at Foreign Department.

1. Udartseva TS, Nesipbayeva N.E. The use of Internet resources in the classroom foreign language. Collection of materials of the international methodical seminar January 20, 2012 “Multilingualism and intercultural education: the experience of teaching foreign languages ​​in Kazakhstan (dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, Astana: LN Gumilyv Eurasian National University, 2012. – P.149-152.
2. Information and Communication technologies in teaching a foreign language at the university in Pecs. (Article) Actual problems of modernizing the training of social and humanitarian disciplines in preparing a competitive specialist: materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Karaganda: KSMU, 2012. – P.216-218.0,6 pp l N.Nesipbaeva N.E.

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