Akhmetova Dinara Rashidovna

1992-1996 Karaganda State University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

  • Speciality “English language”
  • Qualification “Teacher of English and French languages”

2015-2017 Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

  • Study in Master’s program “Vocational Education”
  • Qualification “Master of Pedagogics”

2018 up to the present moment Karaganda State University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

  • 1st year study in Doctoral program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”

1996-1998 Kazakhstan American English School, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

  • Supervisor

1998-1999 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Astana, Kazakhstan

  • Main specialist at Departament for Support of the central office and diplomatic missions of Kazakhstan. Astana, Kazakhstan

1999-2006 Private Secondary School “Friendship”

  • Teacher of English language

2006 up to the present moment Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

  • Senior teacher of English language at the Department of Foreign Languages

Program «English Language Fellow» with the support of the US Department State and the Center «Foreign Language Education and Development» Georgetown University:

  • Took part in the seminar «EFL: Educators Professional Development Workshop». 9-24 March 2013. (Washington, USA)
  • Participated in the International Convention for teachers of foreign language «TESOL», Dallas, Texas, 20-23 March, 2013.
  • akhmetodi@rambler.ru