Lee Elena Sergeevna


Faculty Mountain

Department of Geology and Geophysics

Academic degree Master

Position teacher

Lee Elena Sergeevna, by nationality – Russian, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, higher education, graduated from Karaganda State Technical University in 2010 with a degree in Geology and exploration of mineral deposits.

Lee E.S. In September 2010, she entered the magistracy in the specialty “Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources” and worked part-time in the Department of Geophysics and Geology as an assistant on June 30, 2010, and taught the second course on the subject “Geo-mapping and DMI”. At the end of the magistracy.

In July 2011, she completed a refresher course on the topic: “Geological and geophysical quality control of mineral raw materials for the metallurgical complex.”

From September 2011 until June 2012 she worked at the Technological College at KSTU as a teacher and conducted classes for the specialty “Transportation and storage of oil and gas” in the following disciplines: “Oil and Gas Business”, “Underground Gas Storage”, “Gas Oil Pipelines” using innovative technology, multimedia learning tools. She was also the curator of the group 9KNG-10, actively participating in the public life of the college.

Since September 2013 and up to the present time she has been working at the Department of Geology and Gas as a teacher of the department and conducts laboratory and practical classes in the following disciplines: “Geo-mapping and DMI”, “Geophysical equipment and equipment”, “Operation of oil and gas fields”, “Laboratory methods of mineral exploration” “,” Non-traditional minerals “,” Petrology “.

The accumulated experience allowed her to prepare and publish through the RIO KSTU together with Professor of the Department Portnov V.S. and Pak Y.N .:

- “A manual for students and undergraduates on the discipline“ Special course of seismic exploration ””;

- “The textbook of bachelors on the discipline” Jer Koynauyn paydalanudyk kaybіr aspects_lerі “in the state language;

- Patent No. 71324 dated January 14, 2011 “Method for X-ray analysis of coal”

- Patent No. 70879 dated January 14, 2011, “Method for controlling ash content of coal by gamma scattering”.

The participant of the International conferences: “Science and education – the leading factor of the strategy” Kazakhstan – 2030 “,” Information and communication technologies in industry, education and science “,” New ideas in the earth sciences “.

Work phone: 87212 567593

Internal phone: 2037

Email: – antonova_elenit@mail.ru