Kaskataeva Kuralai Balapashovna


Kaskataeva Kuralai Balapashovna.

Degree: Master of Engineering and Technology.

Position: Senior Lecturer.

Born on 05/25/1978 in the village. Zharyk (now S.Seifullin) of the Karaganda region. She graduated from Karaganda State Technical University in 2001 with a degree in Geophysical Methods of Prospecting and Exploration for Mineral Deposits, received a mining engineer-geophysics qualification. In 2001-2005 Worked in the Kyzylorda branch of JSC “Company GIS” engineer-interpreter. In 2014 she graduated from the magistracy in the specialty “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits”

He has been working at KSTU since 2005 and up to the present time.

Work phone: 87003027784

Internal phone: 2037

Email Address: k.kaskataeva@kstu.kz