Gulzada Tazhenova


Architecture and Construction faculty

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Position: Associate Professor of Mechanics department


Graduated from the Civil Engineering Faculty of Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Dynamics and Strength of Machines.

In 2009 graduated from KSTU postgraduate school in the specialty 01.02.04 – “Mechanics of a deformable solid body”.

In 2010 defended her thesis on the specialty 01.02.06 – “Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment” at the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering of the MES RK.

Work Phone: 8-7212-56-59-32 (internal 2041)

Email address:

Scientific works

Динамика привода с упругой муфтой

Расчет нелинейных виброизоляторов при полигармоническом воздействии

Исследование двухмассовой модели привода с упругой муфтой